[Starting with Thursday, July 31, 1879.]



Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

On Monday evening of this week the construction train on the C. S. & F. S. railroad was at Brown's Dog Creek Ranche, eighteen miles this side of Wichita. As we go to press we learn that twenty miles of track are laid, to within twenty-five miles of Winfield, and track is being laid at the rate of a mile a day. The grading is nearly completed to within four miles of Winfield.




JULY 31, 1879.

Mr. Robert Weekly has been over on the railroad work between here and Independence and reports that the grading is about completed all the way from Independence to Elk Falls, thirty-six miles, that eight miles of grading this side of Elk Falls is nearly completed, and that work is being done all along to the top of the Flint Hills. The bridging and track laying are in progress and not far behind the grading. The track is already laid up to the Elk county line. He thinks that next week the last division will be contracted for and grading be in progress all along the line to Winfield. The cuts and fills in rock ascending the Flint Ridge will be heavy and expensive and it is there where the work will be pushed with the most vigor. This work when done will put the finishing touches on the most magnificent scenery in Kansas.




JULY 31, 1879.

Most of our readers will remember F. E. Collins, whose family lived at Arkansas City for two years or more a few years ago, and who was sent to Washington by the people of Arkansas City to work up certain matters in which they were interested. Since then his family has moved to Leavenworth and he has been engaged as a traveling salesman. He had recently been stopping at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in Topeka and had been considerably under the influence of liquor. Last week, Wednesday morning, while laboring under mental depression, he took a number of morphine pellets which caused his death within a few hours, notwithstanding the efforts of three or four physicians who attended on him.





JULY 31, 1879.

General Manager W. B. Strong, of the A., T. & S. F. railroad, in company with Mr. Savery and Engineer ______ came down on Tuesday last to locate the depots at Winfield and Arkansas City.

He held conference with many of our citizens and then passed on to Arkansas City. Yesterday morning (Wednesday) he returned and received propositions from citizens concerning the location, considered them, and finally located the depot on the west side of town. The Arkansas City depot is located southwest of town.

Gen. Strong looks bright and hearty after his long struggle in Colorado in the legal "battle of the giants," in which he has won a substantial victory against unlimited capital and the most crafty adversaries. Such labors might well have given him an appearance of exhaustion. His name is no misnomer as the Jay Gould outfit has discovered to their cost.






JULY 31, 1879.

One of our friends, who was a mover in the matter of carving up the township, denies that the object was to escape liability on the bridge bonds, but admits that the plan to cut up the township was worked up by a few secretly, and that they were careful to keep the project dark until it was consummated, for they knew if it got out, it would be defeated.




JULY 31, 1879.

It is time our city authorities had caused the registration books to be opened. If this is not attended to in time, there will be no legal voters in Winfield at the November election. One of the "big things" which our "smart Ellick's" effected for us last March was the disenfranchisement of every man in Winfield.




JULY 31, 1879.

The Popp building, on south Main street, is fast nearing completion.

The sale of the Cherokee Strip lands begins August 31, at the land office in Wichita.

A number of our young folks attended the ball given by the U. S. troops at Arkansas City last Friday evening.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

The contract for the Winfield Bank has been let and the foundation is being laid. It is to be completed in 100 days.

Messrs. Horning & Harter have purchased the Hitchcock building next to McGuire's store and will fit it up for a flour and feed store.

The popular Flag drug store will move into the new rooms in Manning's block, Ninth avenue, about August first.

Last Saturday the soldier who killed the Indian at Arkansas City passed through town in the custody of a corporal enroute to Wichita.

A man whom Marshal Stevens had found resting by the wayside in the gutter, and transferred to the cooler, broke all the windows in the cell and was attempting to crawl through when detected.

Mr. Al. Requa has in operation on our streets a fine dray, and intends, as soon as the railroad comes in, to put on a bus line.

The match game between the Arkansas City club and the Winfield Whites last Friday was won by the Arkansas City boys. The score stood, Rackensacks forty-eight; Whites, twenty-one.

From a late Kansas City Times we learn that Arkansas City has quarantined against Memphis. We have always thought that our sister town had some sparks of compassion left, but to close her port to the fever-smitten people of the South is certainly cruel, to say the least.

The leading citizens of Vernon township have organized a vigilance committee to attend to the numerous horse thieves which are skulking around in that community. The people seem to have taken hold of this matter in earnest, and woe be to the man who is caught after having stolen a horse in Vernon township.

The Ladies' Aid Society, of the Baptist church, will give a social and ice cream festival at Sunny Side Home, the residence of Mrs. W. D. Roberts, next Friday evening. The proceeds are to be used in the erection of the new Baptist Church.

Last Sunday Deputy Finch started to Wichita with a man arrested at Dexter for violating the internal revenue laws in relation to the sale of liquor. The officers had been in pursuit of him for several years, but he had always escaped capture until taken in by our officers. Five years is the penalty for this offense. Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard.

N. A. Haight will be a candidate before the Republican convention for the office of County Surveyor. Mr. Haight has made a good officer and we see no reason why he should not be reelected. His long experience as a government surveyor has given him a practical knowledge of the business and enables him to fill the office with credit to himself and benefit to the people.

Last Saturday Mr. Robert Hudson finished taking out the Timber Creek bridge which was thrown down last week. The bridge is very little damaged, there being only one rod and a wooden cross-beam broken. The opinion of the persons who took the bridge out is that it did not go down in the center as at first supposed, but was thrown off of the abutment by the springing and crowding of the ponies. The irons and belts have all been taken out and are now at the foundry, and will only need to be straightened before they can be put back. It is estimated that three hundred dollars will put the bridge back on the old abutments in as good shape as it was before.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

Mrs. J. C. Fuller returned from Colorado last Saturday. She had gained more in health than we could have expected in so short a time. After we left the party, they went to Denver and to Georgetown. J. C. visited the top of Gray's Peak. He and his wife then left for Pueblo from which point Mrs. Fuller started home and J. C. started up the Grand Canon for Lead-ville. M. L. Robinson and family were to spend a few days at Idaho Springs and vicinity after which Mrs. Robinson and her boys will probably return and M. L. will pursue his investi-gations into the mineral resources of Colorado and New Mexico. We did not learn whether it was arranged that the two bankers should join in their travels or not.

M. L. Robinson suddenly and unexpectedly returned from Colorado yesterday morning.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

Mr. Will Willson, our efficient deputy county treasurer, is off on a visit to his old home in St. Lawrence county, N. Y.

The internal revenue officers were in town last week and almost every other man in town was scratching cigar boxes for dear life.

J. P. Baden moves his dry goods stock into the Bahntge building next Friday. He intends putting in a complete stock and keeps everything wanted by the people.

Mr. Dysert, of the Southwestern machine works, returned from Indiana last week, bringing with him an experienced boiler maker. This will enable the works to turn out all kinds of boilers of their own make.

Mr. R. R. Stout, our enterprising blacksmith, has put in a new front and otherwise improved his place of business.

There is living in the house just back of the bowling alley on Manning street a family composed of two ladies and several children, who are all sick and in a very destitute condition.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

The advertisement of Mr. Frank Barclay as agent for the Halliday wind mill appears in this paper. This is conceded to be one of the best mills in use, and the fact of Mr. Barclay accepting an agency for it insures its being possessed of many good qualities. Mr. Barclay is a thorough mechanic and in the capacity of plumber and gas fitter has put gas and water fixtures into several of the best houses in town, all of which have given entire satisfaction.

AD: FRANK BARCLAY, Plumber, steam and gas fitter, Winfield, Ks., has received the agency for Cowley County of the old reliable

Halliday Standard


Enquire at S. H. Myton's or H. Jochem's hardware store.


Considerable complaint is being indulged in by the Wichita people, over the condition and expensiveness of their wooden sidewalks. If some of the city dads of Wichita would visit Winfield, they would immediately hit upon a way out of the difficulty.

We have over five miles of solid stone sidewalk, which, when once put down, is down forever, and will last as long as the town stands, and the good work is still going on. No one here ever thinks of putting down such miserable affairs as are put down for sidewalks by our sister city. Our walks are all of a uniform grade, laid down perfectly smooth and solid and give to our town an air of stability which nothing else can equal.

Wellington has already recognized the superiority of our flagging for pavements over any other, and several large contracts have been filled for that place by our quarrymen. We can, on the completion of the road, furnish Wichita with material for sidewalks that will be a credit to the town and that will satisfy the people.




JULY 31, 1879.

At the Baptist Parsonage, July 28th, 1879, by Rev. J. Cairns, Miss Nora James to Mr. Geo. Tetrick, from near Arkansas City.




JULY 31, 1879.

Deputy Finch came near losing one of his boarders last Saturday evening. He had allowed Ike White, who is a member of the cooler gang on the charge of stealing Indian ponies, to go to the pump in the rear of the jail for a pail of water; and Ike, having great faith in his speed and powers of endurance, concluded it was a good opportunity to make a break for liberty, which he accordingly did, scooting across Tenth avenue and down Millington street, with Deputy Finch following like a race horse about 150 laps in the rear.

Seeing Finch gaining rapidly, White concluded to take to cover, which he did in a patch of corn in the rear of the house occupied by Mr. Crane. Finch soon came up at a two-forty gait and after looking around some time found his man, crouching among the corn stalks, and who, under the persuasive influence of a six-shooter, was induced to return and carry in the water as he was first instructed to do. The task of carrying water will hereafter devolve upon some more contented boarder.


[E. P. KINNE.]

JULY 31, 1879.

This gentleman is announced as a candidate for reelection to the office of Register of Deeds. He has been the incumbent for four years and has made the office one of the most convenient and best arranged in the State, so perfect that there is little use for abstract books in this county. Any man can go to his office and procure any information about titles in this county, quickly, pleasantly and surely.




JULY 31, 1879.

Mr. P. M. Waite, who desires to be the Republican nominee for Sheriff is not R. B. Waite, the money loaner of Winfield, nor is he any kin to him as some suppose. Mr. P. M. Waite is an industrious farmer of Vernong township and has been a citizen of the county for eight years.




JULY 31, 1879.

We desire to call particular attention to the announcement of Capt. Jacob Nixon as a candidate for the Office of Register of Deeds. He is a young and active Republican who has seen service in the cause of the nation. Jacob Nixon enlisted as a private in Co. I, 19th Iowa Infantry, Aug. 6, 1862, in which regiment he went through the campaign of that year in Arkansas, was promoted sergeant for brave conduct, and was seriously wounded at the battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7th, in consequence of which he was honorably discharged, but entered immediately into the service of his State (Iowa), where he served with rank of First Lieutenant and was promoted to the rank of Captain for efficient service in disciplining troops for the field. Since then he has "voted as he shot" and has been an ardent and active Republican. He is an early settler of this county, an energetic hard working man, honest, finely educated, a beautiful penman, and a trenchant writer. Some of his articles for the COURIER have been copied widely. He is in every way well qualified for the position he seeks and deserves it. He would make one of our most popular officers.




JULY 31, 1879.

Mr. Rader, whom we mentioned in our last communication as having received severe injuries from a self binder, is now in a critical condition. His hand is seriously inflamed and grave fears are entertained that amputation will be necessary.

A new post office has been established in the northeastern corner of Maple township, called New Canton, with Mr. McKennie as P. M. [Another place called him McKenna.]

Lightning struck the Olive school house in a recent thunderstorm, entering at, and tearing away one-half the brick flue above the roof, passing down the stove pipe to the stove, thence through the floor, leaving a little round hole and a splintered place to show its place of exit.

The cane crop is promising. Messrs. Walck & Craft are preparing to put in a regular evaporator and manufacture syrup on a larger scale this fall.




JULY 31, 1879.

According to previous arrangement the citizens of Pleasant Valley township and vicinity met at Odessa school house for the purpose of organizing a stock protective union. The following officers of Bolton Stock Protective Union were elected: Captain, C. C. Pierce; 1st Lieut., R. C. Devore; 2nd Lieut., Wm. P. Hostutler; Orderly Sergeant, E. T. Green; General Messengers, S. B. Hunt and A. DeTurk.




JULY 31, 1879.

On the first Monday in August the county institute will open. Classes in physiology, mental arithmetic, algebra, and bookkeeping will be organized for those who wish these studies, but who do not want the full "A" grade course. The examination will begin September 3, and teachers would do well to keep in mind the fact that penmanship, the metric system, mental arithmetic, and theory and practice form distinct features of this examination. The Spencerian copy book No. 3 will be used as a basis for work in writing. The studies for grade "A" certificates, and the oral work will occupy the second day, Sept. 4.

H. C. Story, Co. Supt.



JULY 31, 1879.

The new cases of the fever at Memphis have been from four to ten a day. The deaths have been less in proportion than last year. Probably thirty thousand people have left the city. Many cases have been reported at quarantine in other cities of persons who have fled from Memphis, among which have been several deaths.




JULY 31, 1879.

Wichita Herald: Twenty-four car loads of hogs left this point by the Tuesday morning's train consigned to the popular commission house of Jas. Telley & Co., Kansas City. The hogs belong to Messrs. Mullen and Wood of Winfield and M. H. West of this city. This, we believe, is the largest consignment of stock to one house that has left here for some years.




JULY 31, 1879.

W. A. Lee, the implement man, has the agency for the Champion drill again this year.

Calvin Rader, of Maple township, had his lower jaw broken on the 30th ult., by his team running away.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

The depot of the C., S. & S. F. railroad at Winfield is located three blocks south of M. L. Robinson's residence.

Messrs. Horning & Harter contemplate erecting a large building on the property recently owned by Mr. Hitchcock to be used as a flour and feed store.

Hon. R. F. Burden, of Windsor township, sold awhile ago fifty-five head of cattle of his own raising and fattening for $3,250. We don't wonder that he declines to be a candidate for County Treasurer. Cattle beat politics every time.

A. A. Newman sold the Arkansas City Water Mills last week to Major Searing for $10,000. The Major is a thorough businessman, and will, no doubt, make a success at the milling business.


Dr. Fleming has moved the Flag Drug Store into his new rooms facing on Ninth avenue in Manning's block. These are pleasant, airy apartments, and the doctor's taste in arranging the shelving and bottles give it a neat appearance.




The advertisement of the Southwestern Land and Loan Association will be found in this paper. The gentlemen composing this association are businessmen in every sense of the word, and will make things lively in the land and loan business.


Will give special attention to the sale of REAL ESTATE

When Not in the Hands of Other Agents.


Will pay taxes and investigate titles for their clients.

Will make investments and attend to collections for


Office in Maris' Block, Winfield, Kansas.


Mr. J. B. Harden of Dexter, called on us last Friday. Mr. Harden is the senior member of the firm of Harden & Co., and furnishes the people of Dexter and vicinity with everything in the mercantile line.


Mr. H. Jochems has his building enclosed and about ready for the plasterers. When completed it will add materially to the beauty of the street and will be a monument to his enterprise for years to come.


Democrat: Pat Endicott's youngest daughter was bitten by a copperhead snake last week, which would have terminated seriously had it not been for a bottle of liquor that happened to be in the house, which abated the effect of the poison until a physician was called. She is now getting along finely, and will soon be entirely well.


A. H. Green has just issued 5,000 copies of his Real Estate News for distribution on the trains among the immigrants coming to Kansas. Mr. Green has done as much as any one man toward securing for Cowley her share of the immigration pouring into the state. This makes about 40,000 copies of the News that he has circulated over the country.


The grocery firm of A. T. Spottswood & Co. have rented the new Bahntge building and will move their stock in as soon as the building is completed. The room is 26 x 60 and a cellar is to be put under the room. They will be the largest grocery store in the country and it will take an immense stock to fill it up.


Champion: Colonel Wirt Walton, quartermaster general of Kansas, stacked arms at the Otis House last night; pounded some browned coffee in a tin cup with a bayonet; boiled it in Missouri river water; drew ten hard tacks, and a half pound of pork; ate supper, and slept on a gum blanket spread on the balcony. 'Tis thus the hardy warrior doth disport himself.


The county commissioners met last Monday to make the tax levy for the county and for a contingent fund for such townships as petitioned therefor. The trustee of Walnut township asked for a levy of two mills for contingent purposes, but the county clerk and attorney, not being able to determine as to the lawful manner of collecting the tx, the commissioners adjourned to meet on the first Monday of September without taking action in the matter. This is only one of the many questions that will undoubtedly arise from the general tearing up of the township lines.


Messrs. Baird Bros. purchased the entire bankrupt stock of Turner Bro's. at Sheriff's sale last week. This stock is nearly new, and is first-class throughout, having been bought new, and selected by experienced hands. It makes a great addition to their already large stock and offers the best line for buyers, both in quantity and quality, in the city. Baird Bros. are bound to be the head of the mercantile business in Winfield, and if their trade keeps on increasing as it has for the past year, they will soon have the largest business of any firm in the southwest.


Mr. Spencer is putting an awning on the front of the Winfield House.

J. S. Mann is confined to his house by sickness. Mr. D. L. Kretsinger is in charge of the clothing business.

Dr. Fleming, while moving last week, ran a nail into his feet, causing a very painful wound and disabling him for some time.

One of the numerous draymen in town was arrested Tuesday for running three drays on two licenses and was fined by Judge Boyer.

Armstrong Menor, one of the original preemptors of what is now the city of Winfield has again made his appearance on our streets after an absence of some years.

Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson, whose ad appears today, are gentlemen of energy and character and have, in their short business course at this place, won many friends. They are building up a fine trade.

AD: HENDRICKS & WILSON, Dealers in Shelf & Heavy Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Wagon Woodwork, Carpenter Tools and Blacksmith Tools.



Conklin's cock-and-bull story about the tumbling down of the courthouse has not been very generally swallowed by the people of the county or there would not be so many persons willing to serve the people within its walls.

Mr. J. P. Baden started east last Monday to buy goods for his store. Mr. John Howe, who is by the way, one of the most popular and energetic businessmen in town, has charge of the stock during his absence.




The Normal Institute opened up with an enrollment of 107, and it is expected that fully 125 will be in attendance by next week. We expect next week to give the names of the teachers attending and an account of the progress of the Institute.

It was thought after Mullen & Wood had forwarded their late enormous shipment of 24 car loads of hogs that on account of the decline they would lose $2,000 at least, but before they sold the prices had so far recovered that they cleared about $500.

"Go west young man" 150 feet for a Hapgood Sulky Plow is the comic sign of W. A. Lee to induce the farmer to look over the rock heaps and debris of the new bank (now under construction) to his implement yard on the west end of the same lot the bank is being built on.

Mr. J. W. Browning of Beaver township presented us with a lot of Catawba grapes, which he believes will beat the Concord in this locality.

J. C. Fuller writes to Mrs. Fuller from Leadville that he is improving in health and will stay there awhile; that the weather is so cold there that he has had to buy a warm winter suit; that Leadville is the liveliest place he has seen; that he has taken dinner with O. F. Boyle and lady, who are there keeping house, and that he shall remain there a week or two.

Our neighbor over the way [editor of rival sheet] attempted a dirty slur on Mr. Lemmon in connection with the location of the depot. It happened that Mr. Lemmon did not feel any particular choice with regard to the location and made no effort to influence the matter. His visit to the city had no relation whatever to the location of the depot.


We call attention to Mr. Alexander Thompson, a candidate for Register of Deeds. Mr. Thompson is one of the best farmers of Liberty township, has been a resident of this county for nine years, and is therefore one of the earliest settlers. He has been unfortunate in the loss of his left arm by an accident from a threshing machine at Maple City in this county.


MOVED. J. P. Baden has moved his stock of dry goods, notions, boots, and shoes into the Bahntge building. It will be remembered that a short time ago he purchased the Bahntge stock of groceries, at the same time renting the front part for his dry goods department. He is now in the east buying a large stock, and before many weeks will treat the people to some rare





AUGUST 7, 1879.

Capt. J. S. Hunt, candidate for County Clerk, is one of the early settlers in this county and took part in its early struggles, in which, financially, he suffered much. As a soldier in the war he made a bright record.




AUGUST 7, 1879.

From Mr. J. C. Roberts, who at present has charge of the old books of Winfield township, we have learned a few facts regarding the condition of the township. The floating indebtedness is $5,714.74. The bonded indebtedness is $19,000, of which the first bond of $2,000 was due Aug. 1, and $2,000 on the first days of February and August of each year until paid. The August installment has been paid and there is money enough in the treasury to pay the next semi-annual installment, which reduces it to fifteen thousand dollars. The question is now pending whether the commissioners can levy a bond tax on the territory comprising old Winfield township. The county attorney has the matter under consideration and the commissioners meet the first Monday in September to hear the opinion of the attorney and if possible make the levy. If the commissioners cannot levy the tax on the present assessment, the bonds coming due in 1880 cannot be paid, nor the interest accruing thereon. There should be no difficulty about levying this bond tax. It should be levied on all the property contained within the lines of old Winfield township and no other, and we deem it the duty of the commissioners to see it done disregarding any legal quirk that may be raised adversely.




AUGUST 7, 1879.

Dr. S. Wilkins, of Windsor township, candidate for Register of Deeds, is an old settler in this county and is one of the men whose energy and enthusiasm have made the county what it is.




AUGUST 7, 1879.

The Arkansas City Democrat, of last week, contains the following personal:

"Judge Christian is Express and Stage Agent, is an old stand-by, and has stood by and seen many things that we now read about: in the early history of Kansas, has taken by the hand each of the 17 Governors of Kansas; knew intimately all the leading spirits that figured in Kansas trouble and early history; is now the oldest member of the Supreme Court of Kansas; was admitted the first day that the Supreme Court was organized, in July, 1865; was the first County Clerk and Register of Deeds in Douglas county, also Clerk of the Probate Court at its organization; served nearly four years in the late unpleasantness as Captain and Commissary of subsistence under a commission of Abraham Lincoln; was afterwards appointed and commissioned United States Attorney for Dacotah Territory by President Johnson, but declined the appointment on account of the climate, "preferring Southern Kansas without a commission, to Decotah with one."




AUGUST 7, 1879.

Died, at the residence of his son-in-law, S. F. Gould, in Maple township, Cowley county, Kansas, July 30, 1879, A. M. Fitzsimmons, in the 66th year of his age.

Mr. Fitzsimmons was one of the earliest settlers in Maple township, moving his family on the then unbroken prairie in the spring of 1870, had the misfortune to lose his wife in 1874, and now sleeps beside her on the old homestead they both beautified and loved so well.




AUGUST 14, 1879.

Lazette, Ks., Aug. 6, 1879.

Our railroad depot question, a matter that there has been a great deal of wrangling about, is not settled yet; but I think it will be in a few days to the satisfaction of a majority of the parties interested, as Major Gunn will be over this week and I think to settle that matter so that the merchants can go ahead and erect new buildings and move their stores into town. The fever for a Cedar creek town has about died out.





AUGUST 14, 1879.

Drs. Arnold & Allen have formed a co-partnership in the practice of medicine and also in the drug business; and have stocked up more fully, now having quite a complete stock of fresh drugs, and are ready to prescribe compound and issue at all hours and at reasonable rates.

W. M. Berkey having gone east with his ponies, the business here has been run for some time by "Will," who has been over-tasked and is not on the list of complainers.

Mr. J. N. Notestun, of Sumner county, is getting material on the ground on Royal's addition to the city, to erect a building for the accommodation of part of those health seekers who are flocking in so numerously to the springs.

The vicinity of the springs for some time has presented quite a war-like appearance, being dotted over with tents occupied by parties from all directions. Quite a crowd from the vicinity of Independence. All unite in testifying to the beneficial results from the use of the water, and we are just as well satisfied of the fact as we ever were that there is a fortune in it for those who will put in means to develop it, and that there is health to those who will use the water. Quite a delegation visited this place on last Sabbath from Winfield and Wellington and parties from other points beside.




AUGUST 14, 1879.

Mr. Abraham Fitzsimmons, for many years a citizen of this township and county, but latterly of Butler county, died last Wednesday, after a very brief illness, at Mr. Gould's. Mr. F. was about 66 years of age.

Will. Atkinson has rented the Fitzsimmons farm.

Col. Rader's horses ran away with the wagon last Thursday, using the Colonel up in a shocking manner. He came out with a fearful scalp wound, one jaw bone broken, and otherwise bruised.

A petition was recently circulated, receiving a large number of signatures, asking the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad company to establish a depot at a point two miles south of Red Bud, on sec. 5, township 31, range 3 east. A station in that vicinity would be a great convenience to the citizens of this corner of the county and we hope the request will be granted.

A report is circulating to the effect that the saw-mill near Dawson's ford on the Walnut, is about to be moved.

Maple Twp., Aug. 4, 1879.




AUGUST 14, 1879.

We interviewed J. C. Roberts, the trustee of Walnut township, in relation to these matters. He admits that he was one of the workers in getting the Walnut township scheme, and that he circulated petitions by the "pale light of the moon," but denies that his acts or those of any other men, who were active in the scheme, were the result of a desire to escape from the liability to pay their just proportion of the old Winfield township debt. They desire to pay such proportion and no more.

He says they were compelled to this action in self defense by the action the city had taken; that so long as the city was a part of Winfield township, the township board could levy the tax to pay principal and interest of the bonds and incidental ex-penses on all the property of the township, but when the city by the acts of her citizens obtained an organization as a city of the second class, the township board could no longer levy a tax on the personal property in the city, and the city could not levy a township tax so that the city would escape its just proportion unless the city authorities should determine to levy the tax anyhow; that the bridge at Bliss' Mill needs a considerable expense to secure it from danger and destruction, and that the city authorities refused to assist in that matter, claiming that they had no jurisdiction and showed a disposition to saddle the whole debt upon those outside the city, as in fact they seemed to believe they had done; that lawyers advised him and his associates to that effect. He says that the men left in Winfield township had but one of two things to do: either to pay the whole bonded debt amounting to some $16,000 and interest, which the city men had voted upon the township, and the $5,721.74 of floating debt, which city men had contracted; or to put the balance of the township in a way that it could not be compelled to pay more than its just proportion.

He says they studied the matter carefully and determined upon the latter. They worked secretly because they knew they would otherwise probably be defeated.

He says he made a demand of the county commissioners that they should levy a tax on Walnut township sufficient to pay its proportion of the floating debt and the maturing bonded debt and interest; also, a small tax for incidental expenses, that he did not name; a two mill tax as we stated last week.

We shall have to admit that the foolish move of organizing the city as second class evidently placed our Walnut friends in a bad predicament and that they had a show of justification for the course they took to get out of it.


The more we learn of its effects, the more we see that the second class move plunged us into a labyrinth of difficulties. There seems to us but one way out of this part of the scrape. The commissioners must make the tax levy on the whole property within the lines of the old Winfield township. We think it their duty and the only way to save our credit and cost of suits.




AUGUST 14, 1879.

The floor of Mr. Jochems' building is being put down.

J. S. Mann, the clothier, is erecting an immense sign over the front of his building.

The Bahntge building is about ready for A. T. Spotswood & Co.'s stock of groceries.

The Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad commenced laying track in this county Wednesday, Aug. 5th, p.m.

76 Horning has been receiving lately a very large stock of groceries, and has changed the arrangement of his store to accommodate it.

Herrington & Austin have dissolved partnership and Herrington has moved his shop to the corner south of the Williams House.

The firm of Rogers & Sanford has been dissolved. Mr. Rogers assumes the liabilities of the old firm and will continue the business.

We were pleased to meet Dr. Ricketts, a graduate of Princeton college, and latterly of the University of Pennsylvania. The doctor has come to Winfield to locate, and his books and instruments are on the road. He comes from a good institution and has had a year's experience as resident physician of the childrens' hospital at Philadelphia.

Deputy Finch returned from Arkansas City Saturday evening having in custody Zeke White and John Hoffman, who have been suspected for some time of trying to get Ike White out of jail. The boys seemed very much surprised when taken by Mr. Finch and one of them confessed that they had come to Arkansas City for the purpose of "getting stuff to get Ike out with." Hoffman is supposed to have been with Ike White in the pony steal and will likely get a couple of years at Leavenworth. These are all young looking boys and have begun their career of crime at an early age.


Mr. Benj. J. Bartlett, the architect in charge of the Baptist Church building, arrived in this city last week Wednesday, and returned to Des Moines, Ia.; Saturday morning. He waked up things generally, and exhibited the most energetic business qualities. He is a gentleman who understands his profession, and will make the work on the church go ahead now rapidly. He is perfectly enthusiastic over our rock for building purposes. Thinks it beats anything he ever saw. He takes the order of Swain & Watkins to Chicago for lumber and material for the Winfield Bank. He saved considerable money in his purchases for the Baptist Church, for which the material is now on hand.

"Cap" Sanford has retired from the firm of Rogers & Sanford, and G. W. Rogers now runs the business alone.

Mr. Wm. Hodges, one of the old and respected citizens of this place, died at Monroe, Wis., on the 6th inst. He had gone for a visit to his old home, and died the same evening he reached there.

The health committee had men and teams at work Tuesday morning, cleaning up the streets. They mean business, and the melon rinds and other filth that has littered the streets for the past few weeks will hereafter be removed, as speedily as they accumulate.

Lynn & Gillelen have closed to invoice their stock, when the firm will be dissolved and one of them will retire. During the last two years this firm has been known far and wide, and have perhaps sold more goods than any firm, with the exception of Baird Bros., in the southwest.

Mr. E. S. Torrance, county attorney of Cowley county, was in the city on Tuesday, assisting in the case of the State of Kansas vs. S. M. Lemoines. Mr. Torrance was attorney for the state and made an able effort.CDouglas Enterprise.

The City council, on Monday evening, passed a health ordinance providing that everyone shall be compelled to clean his own premises, and that the hogs shall be banished without the city limits. This is a move that has long been needed, and one that will be of lasting benefit to the community. It may inconvenience a great many to put their hogs out of town, but everyone agrees that, kept as they are now, they are the greatest nuisance we have, and that it would be impossible to let them run at large within the limits of the city. With this ordinance strictly enforced, we will certainly have the cleanest city in the county.


Mr. C. C. Adams, of Illinois, has lately visited this county and city, with a view of making investments. He is an energetic businessman, of large capital, and is highly esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintances, several of whom are residents of this county. Last Saturday he was in Winfield, and while conversing on the street, the handle of a small revolver was seen sticking out of a pocket in his pants. Marshal Stevens, whose eyes are always open, promptly arrested him and took him before Police Judge Boyer, where he was fined and mulcted in costs, which together amounted to about $13.00, for carrying concealed weapons. He refused to payCappealed, and will test the case against him in the District Court. We do not know but the ordinance was meant for such cases; but if so, it ought to be repealed at once. These proceedings in such a case are an outrage that should never be allowed. A stranger comes here to settle and invest, and while traveling in sections reputed to be infested with roughs and robbers, takes the precaution to carry a small revolver as a protection against scoundrels, as is quite customary; and is met with the very acts which will disgust him most with the country and its people.


The Paris Brothers have come to grief. They have been attempting for some time past to run three drays on two licenses, which didn't suit Marshal Stevens, exactly, and last week he arrested one of the parties and brought him before Judge Boyer, where he was fined several dollars and costs, much to the disgust of the said Paris Bros. The affair culminated Monday evening by the Paris boys getting considerable liquor on board, and attempting by sundry threats of whipping and killing, to run the Marshal off the streets. But they had "counted their chickens before they were hatched," and while looking for their victim, they suddenly found themselves confronted with a double-barreled shotgun in the hands of Marshal Stevens, and by the determined look of his eyes, and the careless manner in which he handled the weapon, they concluded that "discretion was the better part of valor," and one of them was marched off to the cooler without much resistance. So mote it be.


J. C. Fuller is still at Leadville, Colorado, and will stay there for some time; says he can get board for $17.50 per week, washing at $2.00 per dozen, and a shave for a dollar. O. F. Boyle and his lady were well and were about to take an excursion to Twin Lakes. Their kindness and attention to him draw out his high encomiums. He says Field and Seiter have each made about a million there and many others are making large fortunes, but the bulk of the people are spending much more than they make.


A. H. Green is still rolling out his "Real Estate News" to all parts of the country. Every mail carries a large bundle of papers severally addressed and postage paid. The immediate completion of the railroad to this place will bring scores of land buyers and home seekers to this county in answer to these papers and Green will be in demand beyond all former experience. Persons having real estate to sell should have it put in his hands at once to be ready for the rush.


Messrs. Randall & Johnson are putting in the shelving for Hahn & Co.'s dry goods and clothing house, in Manning's block, and are making a first-class job of it. The shelving for dry goods extends the full length of the building on the south side, and clothing and gent's furnishing goods will occupy the north side. It will take an immense amount of goods to fill the building.


Mr. W. M. Ogden, the soap fat man, is in town and advertises in this paper for soap fat. He has a rendering vat put up just below Bliss' mill. The grease is for Short's soap factory at Wichita.

AD: WANTED! WANTED! The people to know that I have located in Winfield and am prepared to trade Soap for all kinds of soap-grease, such as spoiled bacon, rancid butter, or lard, dead hogs, etc. W. M. OGDEN.


Part of the men and machinery for the construction of the railroad bridge across the Walnut below Bliss' mill have arrived and work was commenced yesterday morning.


Mr. "Cap" Sanford has transferred his residence from Winfield to Arkansas City, having engaged in business at that place.

Grapes are becoming quite plentiful, and retail at 9 cents per pound.




AUGUST 14, 1879.

Miss Sarah E. Aldrich died at the residence of her mother, in this city, on Tuesday evening. She had been afflicted with a bronchial disease for several years. She was born at Northbridge, Massachusetts, where her remains will be taken for interment.



Winfield Courier August 14, 1879.

We give M. L. Read, M. L. Robinson, and W. P. Hackney the credit of securing the depot where they desired. There had been a desire on the part of some to locate it east of town, but no proposition was made in that direction. The only proposition made to Mr. Strong other than that of Mr. Read was for the location west of town between 9th and 10th streets, but this proposition was not put in form and therefore probably not considered. Mr. Lemmon took no part in these matters. If he holds his office by accident, lightning has struck twice in the same place.


AUGUST 14, 1879.


RECAP: HE STATED THAT THE PEOPLE OF WALNUT TOWNSHIP ARE FOR SHINNEMAN....Mr. A. T. Shinneman at the age of sixteen entered the war of 1861, served till its close, and was honorably discharged from the service. Thus early in life he was inured in the trials and hardships of the fiercest war that has raged in modern times, and which have so effectually marked his career from that time to the present. Besides he has had the requisite experience in the line of duty pertaining to the office of Sheriff. We can say of a truth, as can a great many more, that he has performed duties without any compensation whatever and that too, when the proper officials refused to act at the time called upon to do so.

For instance, when A. B. Graham's horse was stolen, not one of the proper officials could be prevailed upon to perform their duty. Not so with Shinneman. He was willing to go and did go, although he was not the officer elected to perform that duty, neither was he the deputy. Had he been Sheriff at the time the Arkansas City bank was robbed, instead of lounging around town, he would have pursued those desperadoes in person, and the probabilities are that he would have succeeded in securing them.

With A. T. as sheriff, cattle thieves, horse thieves, and desperadoes of all kinds will give Cowley County a wide berth, as they well know that they will have more than a mere pigmy to contend with.



AUGUST 14, 1879.

The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.

Below we append a corrected list of those in attendance.

Lorenzo Harris, S. P. Bailey, C. W. Crank, Sarah Boovee, Lou A. Bedell, T. B. Hall, Mina C. Johnson, Mollie L. Rouzee, C. L. Swarts, Martha Thompson, Mary Buck, John L. Ward, John W. Jones, W. E. Ketcham, Squire Humble, C. C. Overman, R. B. Overman,

P. S. Martin, Carrie Morris, Mattie L. West, R. S. White, Jonathan Hunt, Henrietta King, Florence Wood, Effie Randall, Jerry Adams, Ella E. Davis, Mattie E. Minihan, Allie Wheeler, A. B. Taylor, Ray E. Newman, John Bower, Adam L. Weber, R. A. O'Neil, John C. Rowland, Jennie Davy, Rosa Frederick, Flora Ware, Mattie Mitchell, J. J. Harden, Jennie R. Lowry, Mary Cochran, Alice Bullock, Maggie Stansbuerry, Ella Hittle, George Wright, Cinna May Patten, Mrs. J. E. Brown, Elecia Strong, Mary Tucker, Mrs. E. T. Trimble, A. Limerick, E. A. Millard, E. I. Johnson, R. B. Corson, Celina Bliss, Fannie Pontious, Ella A. Kirkpatrick, Ella Kelly, Mrs. S. Hollingsworth, Lizzie Landis, Fannie McKinlay, Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Mary S. Theaker, Alice Pyburn, L. C. Brown, T. J. Floyd, Alivin E. Hon, Nettie D. Handy, Alfred Cochran, J. P. Hosmer, Floretta Shields, Ella Akers, Ella Sandford, Lusetta Pyburn, Mrs. Southard, Allie Klingman, Amy Robertson, Annie Hunt, Sarah Hodges, H. G. Blount, Grant Stafford, Risdon Gilstrap, James Lorton, James E. Perisho, Nannie M. McGee, Ella Z. Stuart, Anna O. Wright, T. J. Rude, Nellie R. Waggin, Alice E. Dickie, Inez L. Patten, Ella Freeland, Sarah E. Davis, Mollie Davis, Mattie Walters, Nannie Andrew, Albertine Maxwell, Ella Grimes, H. C. Holcomb, Hattie Warnock, D. S. Armstrong, S. A. Smith, J. F. Hess, Tirzie B. Marshall, C. Hutchins, Arvilla Elliot, Ella Bosley, L. McKinlay, James Warren, A. J. Denton, Fannie Skinner, Hattie McKinlay, Estella Cronk, Jessie Sankey, Anna Bartlett, Anna L. Norton.


[A. T. & S. F.]

AUGUST 21, 1879.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company is one of the best and sounded corporations in the United States. It has probably more railroad track under its control than any one company. The main line from Atchison to Pueblo is 620 miles divided into three divisions vis: "Eastern, Atchison to Nickerson, 229 miles; middle, Nickerson to Sargent, 242 miles; and western, Sargent to Pueblo, 149 miles.


There are six branches now on the time table, viz:

Kansas City to Topeka ............... 67 miles

Pleasant Hill to Cedar Junction ..... 44 "

Emporia to Eureka ................... 47 "

Florence to Eldorado ................ 29 "

Newton to Wichita ................... 27 "

La Junta to Las Vegas ............... 216 "

Add Atchison to Pueblo .............. 820 "


Total miles in operation: 1,050 miles


In addition to the above, there will be put in operation this year:

Wichita to Arkansas City ............ 56 miles

Mulvane to Caldwell ................. 36 "

Eureka to Howard .................... 35 "

Florence to McPherson ............... 50 "

Las Vegas to Albuquerque ............ 165 "

Canon City to Leadville ............. 108 "


Amount built in 1879: 450 miles


This will make 1,500 miles of road owned by this company. Besides this the company has leased the Denver & Rio Grande from Denver to Alamosa 210 miles; Pueblo to Canon City, 40 miles; Cucharas to El Moro, 40 miles.

The amount of work that this company under the supervision of General Manager Strong has done this year is incredible, when we consider the difficulties and obstacles it has encountered. Geo. O. Manchester, assistant general manager, has been an invaluable aid. W. F. White, the general passenger and ticket agent, is the right man in the right place, and indeed the whole corps of officers are each especially efficient, otherwise less would have been accomplished.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

The editors of the New Enterprise enjoyed a pleasant visit to the beautiful and prosperous city of Winfield, last Monday. Mr. Eagin formerly lived there, but we had never before seen Winfield, and were surprised to find such a live, enterprising, and prosperous city.

While there we made the acquaintance of some of Winfield's leading citizens: among them Hon. E. C. Manning, Hon. W. P. Hackney, Hon. J. Wade McDonald, Hon. J. M. Alexander, Gen. A. H. Green, Frank S. Jennings, attorneys, and Baird Bros., Lynn & Gillelen, Spotswood & Co., C. A. Bliss & Co., and S. H. Myton, merchants. We also made the acquaintance of the county officers who are all affable gentlemen.


We noticed that the improvements in Winfield were permanent and substantial. Several fine brick blocks adorn the business street, and as many beautiful residences, which would do honor to a city of 10,000 inhabitants.

To the men who have stood by Winfield and expended time, talent, energy, and money to make it the most beautiful city of southern Kansas, belongs all the praise. Especially does this apply to Col. E. C. Manning, one of her most energetic and substantial citizens. Winfield and Cowley county owe much to this man. The fine Opera House there, and several other brick blocks, were erected by himCbuildings that would do credit to the city of Topeka.

Altogether our trip was a pleasant one, and we shall make it a point to go down there often in the future.CDouglas





AUGUST 21, 1879.

We extract the following from a letter in the Ft. Scott

Monitor, signed "L. H." and supposed to have been written by Miss Hoxie, assistant conductor of the Normal Institute.

"WINFIELD, Aug. 4, 1879.

"That branch of the Santa Fe which is to be extended through Sedgwick and on into Cowley county is rapidly approaching completion. They expect to reach Winfield about the 1st of September. Twenty-four miles of the track are finished, but not in operation. The benefit of the terms upon which the land of old Osage Reservation was settled are plainly visible here. One notices the difference immediately. . . . Cowley county is one of the best in the southern part of the State, and is well developed, being settled by thrifty and intelligent people. While patronizing an old-fashioned stage-coachCwhose only advantage consists in allowing a good view of the countryCI counted sixty-two wheat stacks in riding a distance of half a mile. In one wheat field there were three sulky plows, each drawn by three mules, employed turning stubble.

"Winfield is a fine town. It contains upwards of 3,000 inhabitants, and is the center of trade for a magnificent farming section. It will soon be a railroad terminus for two lines, and will gain a large amount of Territory trade, which now goes to Wichita.

"It was an interesting sight to see one hundred Indians ride into the latter place last week to trade. They are cash buyers."




AUGUST 21, 1879.

The Popp brick building on South Main street is about finished.


A. T. Spotswood has removed his new building across the street.

Mr. John Moffitt has purchased Charley Harter's interest in the livery stable of Harter & Speed. Mr. Moffitt will make a popular liveryman.

The school fund, amounting to $4,033, is now deposited with the County Treasurer. It will be ready for distribution by the last of this week.

"Dr. Louis Albright, Cheropodist," has been doctoring the corns and bunions of persons so afflicted for several days. He takes them off in a hurry.

Mr. Al Requa is making arrangements to put on a "bus" as soon as the road gets here. Al. is an energetic kind of fellow and is bound to make things go.

Mr. Warren Gillelen has purchased the Kirk lot, on the corner of Main street and 8th avenue, and will soon begin the erection of a large two story brick building thereon.

Mullen and Wood shipped by wagon 141 fat hogs to Wichita for shipment to Kansas City, on the 17th. This makes 2,600 fat hogs that they have sent to market in the last six months.

The firm of Lynn & Gillelen has been dissolved, Mr. Lynn continuing the business. This firm has been one of the soundest and most substantial in the country and have built up an immense trade.

The semi-annual apportionment of the State school fund to the counties was made on the 15th. The amount apportioned was $189,232.75. Cowley county gets $4,033.51. Nine counties get more each.

Messrs. Hackney & McDonald have sold the Salt Springs property to C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, for $4,000. These springs are gaining a wide reputation and are becoming a very valuable property.

Zeke White was released from jail last Saturday, no cause being found for retaining him longer. Hoffman plead guilty to the charge of horse stealing and will have his trial at the next term of court.

Channell & McLaughlin have purchased from Van R. Holmes, of Emporia, a half interest in 500 lots in Arkansas City. The transfer was made in one deed and took eight record pages of solid description.

Mr. Williamson, of Wichita, has purchased the Moffitt lumber yard and will remove it to the block west of the bowling alley. Mr. Williamson has been for years the largest lumber dealer in Wichita, and we may well feel proud of the acquisition. He has begun fencing his new yard.

We were pleased to meet Mr. A. P. Johnston, formerly of Arkansas, who has located in Winfield, and intends before long to fling his shingle to the breeze. Although the lawyers are pretty thick in Winfield, there is always room for more.


We have been instructed to say that the person who feloniously and with malice aforethought, took three of Robert Hudson's jack screws from his residence recently, had better return the same without further notice and save trouble.

Rev. Paul M. Pontziglione, S. J., of St. Francis Institute, Osage Mission, is said to be a near relative of the present king of Italy. The people of Winfield will remember that Father Pontziglione had the Catholic church of this place in his charge during a few of the first years, and was highly esteemed.

Mr. J. L. Horning has sold his store to R. M. Snyder, of St. Louis, who takes charge of the stock September 1. Mr. Snyder comes in possession of a good store and a splendid trade, built up by energy, perseverence, and strict attention to business. We hope he may attain the same popularity as a groceryman as has "76 Horning."

Prof. A. B. Lemmon, state superintendent of public instruction, was in attendance at the teachers' institute last Thursday, and lectured at the Baptist church in the evening. It was a magnificent lecture.CJunction City Union.

Messrs. Gilbert & Jarvis, our boss loan agents, come to the front this week. They are doing an immense business, and are replacing many old 25 and 36 percent loans with loans drawing only 10 percent interest.

Messrs. Horning & Harter have moved the building off their lot next to McGuire's store and will immediately begin the erection of a stone and brick building thereon. They expect to complete it in October, when it will be occupied by a grocery store and the Tunnel Mills offices.

Patrick Buckley, who resides just across the river south of town, brought into our office last Tuesday an immense tobacco plant grown on his place, which had leaves as long as a man's arm, and was fully four feet high. Talk about "starving Kansas" when we can raise such tobacco as this.

We were pleased to meet last week Mr. R. M. Snyder, who has purchased the grocery store of Mr. J. L. Horning. Mr. Snyder is a pleasant and intelligent young man, has had years of experience as a grocer, and we think will keep No. 76 in the front rank as a grocery house. He has leased the new building to be erected by Horning & Harter and expects to occupy it in October.

Mr. O. Frisbee, the patentee of a model invention, is canvassing the town. It is an iron door sill, or carpet strip, which is an entirely new thing; and from the workings of one we have seen, we should think it would come fully up to the war-

ranty. His invention is one that is practical in every sense of the word and is needed on every door. It is the only one we have seen that will keep out rain during one of our beating storms.


AD: IRON DOOR SILLS -OR- CARPET STRIPS, Warranted to keep out rain during the hardest storms. It is one of the few inventions that are of practical use to the people. $1.75 EACH. Call at Roland & Son's hardware store and examine them. Special attention of builders is called to this Sill. O. FRISBEE.



ALBERT P. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Charges moderate. Office in Manning's building, corner Main street and 9th Ave., Winfield, Kan.


Mr. H. J. Bailey, of Tisdale township, last week brought us a stalk of corn of his own raising that measured 18 feet and 2 inches in length, and had three well developed ears. He also brought several ears of corn from the same field that measured from nine to thirteen inches in length, well filled, and about dry enough to gather. From the reports we can gather, Cowley's corn crop this year will be one-third larger than that of any preceding year. The acreage is considerable more than that of last year, and the yield will be unusually large. This is indeed a bright outlook for our farmers, and with the facilities for transportation which we will have on the completion of the two roads to this point, and the prospect for good prices, they can well afford to "be joyful." This is certainly the dawn of an era of prosperity.


Mr. A. A. Harper, one of the contractors on the east and west road, called on us Saturday. His company has the contract for twenty miles from Grouse creek east through the flint hills. They have on their payrolls over eight hundred names and intend to put on others as fast as they can get them. He says the work is progressing slowly, as most of the cuts have to be blasted out through solid rock. The rattlesnakes, copperheads, adders, centipedes, tarrantulas, and almost every species of poisonous reptiles are very numerous among the rocks and are quarried out almost every hour. Last week one of the men was stung by an adder, but is recovering, having carried three quarts of liquor without any perceptible effect. Mr. Harper has secured numerous specimens of adders, tarrantulas, centipedes, etc., which he preserves in alcohol. This company expect, on the completion of the present contract, to take the twenty miles from here west. Mr. Harper is a very pleasant, genial gentleman, and gladly gave us all the information in his power about building the road.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

The following is the list of Jurors drawn to serve at the next term of the District Court, which convenes next Monday.

Isaac Gatton, Sheridan township.

J. P. Mussulman, Silverdale.

M. Eilinger, Tisdale.

F. M. Osborn, Cedar.

Johnson Chandler, Silvercreek.

John Lintin, Bolton.

A. E. Klesey, Rock.

J. F. Tucker, Windsor.

R. Eastman, Sheridan.

C. W. Frith, Liberty.

Nelson Peters, Richland.

J. F. Teter, Silvercreek.

S. G. Caston, Liberty.

L. J. Davidson, Sheridan.

Page Asbury, Dexter.

Jas. Dalton, Beaver.

J. M. Hooker, Richland.

Oliver Brubaker, Dexter.

M. B. Hennon, Silver Creek.

E. A. Henser, Rock.

O. J. Palmer, Bolton.

Adrian Williamson, Rock.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)




Chas D. Daniels Hackney & McDonald

Dan'l. Venator C. H. Payson

Thos. Gibson J. McDermott

Jno. Punkard

James Powers

Isaac White

George Paris Hackney & McDonald


Rachel Lawson C. H. Payson


Thos. Lawson Hackney & McDonald


Patrick Harkins L. J. Webb


David F. Edmonds Hackney & McDonald


Frank Porter J. E. Allen


Eli W. Coulson Hackney & McDonald


C. C. Harris Hackney & McDonald


Sanford Day, et. al. J. McDermott


Mercy M. Funk Hackney & McDonald


Cynthia Clark, et. al. J. McDermott


C. C. Harris Hackney & McDonald


J. B. Lynn Allen and Torrance


J. W. Hamilton C. H. Payson


John D. Pryor Hackney & McDonald


Sarah E. Aldrich Pryor & Pryor


James A. Kerr, et. al.


James C. Topliff Hackney & McDonald


Patrick Harkins Webb and Pryor & P.


T. H. Barrett Black and Webb


Wm. Parr, adm'r. Hackney & McDonald


W. H. H. Maris Pyburn and Boyer, Jennings &

vs. Buckman.

T. W. Gant, et. al. Pryor & Pryor, Webb.


P. J. Tuttle Pryor & Pryor


Lucy Clark, et. al. Jennings & Buckman.






R. C. Haywood C. R. Mitchell


Matt. Chambers, et. al. Hackney & McDonald


Nancy Rogers L. J. Webb, Pryor & Pryor


O. M. Boyle Hackney & McDonald


Slattauer Bros. & Co. Hackney & McDonald


B. E. Johnson Coldwell & C. Webb


C. F. Bahntge, assn'e. Coldwell & C. Webb


C. L. Harter Hackney & McDonald


M. L. Read Hackney & McDonald


Phillip Sipe L. J. Webb


G. W. Bull E. S. Torrance


Joel E. Mack Hackney & McDonald


Burrough & Spache C. H. Payson


Frank Manny Hackney & McDonald


Richard L. Walker Coldwell & C., Webb


Charles L. Harter Hackney & McDonald and



C. L. Harter C. H. Payson.


County Commissioners. E. S. Torrance.





W. M. Boyer C. H. Payson


County Commissioners. E. S. Torrance.





S. M. Jarvis C. H. Payson


W. D. Anderson Jennings & Buckman


Henry Brandley Charles Wilsie


B. B. Wood, et. al. Hackney & McDonald


Linanna T. Carter J. M. Alexander


Geo. B. Carter


Lewis C. Rice Hackney & McDonald


Sarah E. Rice


James Kelly F. S. Jennings


Frank Manny Hackney & McDonald


H. P. Mansfield Torrance & Asp


Est. W. Q. Mansfield McDermott, Alexander.


Thos. C. Baird Pryor & Pryor


H. C. Merrick, et. al. C. R. Mitchell



S. B. Atkinson C. H. Payson


W. J. Keffer


J. A. Myton Torrance, Alexander.


S. H. Myton Hackney & McDonald


Thos. S. Parvin Torrance & Asp


James C. Topliff Hackney & McDonald


S. L. Brethen C. C. Black


Jacob P. Sallinger


Mercy M. Funk Hackney & McDonald


Nancy Hager, et. al. R. S. Torrance


Patrick Harkins Pryor & Pryor


John Carder, et. al. C. R. Mitchell


E. M. Theaker C. R. Mitchell


Robert J. Theaker


Daniel F. Kerr Hackney & McDonald


City of Winfield O. M. Seward


Moline Plow Co. Pyburn and Boyer


L. F. McMaster


J. A. Myton Alexander, Torrance.


H. Brotherton Hackney & McDonald


Robert Hudson Torrance & Asp.


Francis R. Hudson



Ezekiel Howland C. B. Mitchell


E. B. Wright P. & P. and H. & McD.


C. C. Harris Hackney & McDonald


Barney Shirver E. S. Torrance


Chris Earle James Christian


M. C. Edwards C. B. Mitchell


David Thompson James Christian


Nathan Hughs C. B. Mitchell


Lee H. Geer Hackney & McDonald


Victor M. Geer, et. al.


F. C. Wise E. S. Torrance


Cyreneus Castanien Jennings & Buckman


J. W. Hamilton C. H. Payson


Sophia V. French Christian, Torrance


J. K. O. Sherwood J. E. Allen


Hubert Voit, et. al.


J. T. Hook, guardian Jennings & Buckman


C. F. Bannister C. H. Payson


W. H. Gould L. J. Webb


Wm. J. Hodges C. H. Payson


John A. Tipton J. E. Allen


J. H. Finch Hackney & McDonald


N. P. McKee J. M. Alexander


Emanuel Showers



Aleena Parsons, et. al. E. S. Torrnce


John Brooks J. M. Alexander


Sam'l Hoyt C. R. Mitchell


L. W. Courier S. Knight


James F. Paul Graham and Webb


J. Wade McDonald Hackney & McDonald


Wm. Breck A. J. Pyburn


T. J. Harris, et. al.


M. L. Read Hackney & McDonald


W. W. Brown E. S. Torrance


S. M. Martin Hackney & McDonald


J. C. McMullin E. S. Torrance


Henry S. Ireton J. M. Alexander


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn


T. D. Lewis J. E. Allen


Francis A. Bailey


T. D. Lewis J. E. Allen


Antoinette Manara


James Jordan Pryor & Pryor


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn


Charles Coleman Payson


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn


F. W. Schwantes Hackney & McDonald


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn



R. B. Waite Pryor & Pryor


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn



Victor M. Geer, et. al. Hackney & McDonald


C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn


W. H. Carpenter A. J. Pyburn


Michael H. Mount


Albert Hughes J. E. Allen


Frank Galleth


Thomas D. Lewis J. E. Allen


T. H. Geuthuer M. G. Troup


J. C. Phillips Torrance & Asp


Phillip Stout Hackney & McDonald


David Hitchcock L. J. Webb


Elizabeth Dever, et. al. Alexander, H. & McD.




Hannah F. Gorn A. J. Pyburn


Daniel Venator


Joel E. Cox Hackney & McDonald


Mary J. Cox Jennings & Buckman


S. Frazee L. J. Webb


John Frazee


Field, Leiter & Co. Guthrie & Brown and

vs. J. McDermott.

Turner Bros. Hackney & McDonald


Sarah J. Ratliff Hackney & McDonald


John Ratliff


B. Dunwood, adm. Troup and Hudson


M. J. Parr, et. al.


Chicago Lumber Co. Hackney & McDonald


Creswell & Bolton townships


M. E. Bolton J. E. Allen


Caroline C. Arnold


William Storms Torrance & Asp


G. S. Story


T. & F. Organ Co. Hackney & McDonald


C. T. Smith


John Smiley L. J. Webb



Harry Bahntge Jennings & Buckman


Oleda Bentley J. E. Allen


James Bentley







W. A. Redmon Jennings & Buckman


L. C. Harter, et. al.


S. L. Brettun Black and Beach


Foster Hayworth


J. C. McMullen Pryor & Pryor


S. T. Endicott C. R. Mitchell


Medaris & Hills C. R. Mitchell


Kendall & Smith


John Farber Black and Beach


Alfred Knox


S. Weil L. J. Webb


August Kadau J. M. Alexander


Carson, Peoria & Co. Torrance & Asp


John W. Johnston L. J. Webb


In the matter of the survey of Hackney & McDonald

section 28, township 32,

range 5.


Lewis C. Harter


W. L. Mullen E. S. Torrance


James Christian James Christian


John Carder




AUGUST 28, 1879.


Office in Manning's building, corner Main Street and 9th Avenue.



Room 1, Page Building.



Office upstairs, Room 3, in Bahntge Bros. building, corner

Main street and 10th avenue.



Office west side Main street, upstairs, between 8th and 9th







Office 9th avenue, next door east of E. E. Bacon's jewelry store.



Rock, Cowley County, Kansas.


Office in Stone Building, 9th avenue.



Room 2, Page building, Winfield, Kansas.




Office upstairs in Bahnte's new block, Winfield, Kansas.



ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. Judge of the Police Court, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public and Land Agent; also, Agent for the Home Insurance Company of New York, and Phoenix of Hartford Conn. Will attend promptly to all business in his line. Oldest practicing lawyer in Kansas. Charges moderate. [NO ADDRESS GIVEN.]



Bahntge Building, South Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.



ATTORNEY AT LAW. Business in State and Federal Courts promptly attended to. Collections solicited and Abstracts prepared.

Office upstairs in Manning's Brick Building, corner Main Street and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.



ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Notaries Public, Winfield, Kansas. Will practice law in Cowley and adjoining counties.




ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts, and promptly attend to all Legal Business entrusted to his care.

Office over McCommon & Harter's Drug Store, Winfield, Kansas.




Office upstairs in Manning's Brick Block, Winfield, Kansas.



ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Business in State and Federal Courts solici-

ted. Collections promptly attended to. Legal instrumeents carefully made out.

Office over Read's Bank, Winfield, Kansas.



ATTORNEY AT LAW, has money to loan on real estate, and will buy claims, notes, mortgages, etc.

At stone office, east of post office, on 9th avenue, Winfield, Kansas.





Territorial Matters - The New Military Post, etc.

Another Letter from C. M.

FORT CANTONMENT, I. T., August 13, 1879.


FRIEND MILLINGTON: Inasmuch as you have sent me paper and envelopes, I believe you are really anxious to hear from this section, and will endeavor to do my part towards adding to the interest of the COURIER; for I appreciate the fact that you are in earnest in the publication of the best paper in Kansas.

Fort Cantonment is a new military post, established in 1878, and is not completed yet. It is situated on the south side of the North Fork of Canadian River, eight miles below Barrel Springs; twenty miles below Sheridan's Roost, and thirty miles below Cottonwood Grove. It is 130 miles southwest of Winfield, and 160 miles from Wichita.


Fort Cantonment is a six-company Post, commanded by Lieut. Col. Dodge, of the 23rd Infantry. During the Colonel's absence on furlough, Capt. Geo. M. Randall, of Co. I, of Arizona and Indian fame, fills his place. The number of people at the Post, however, will not exceed 700, none of the companies being full; one company having only 27 men.

There are stationed here companies A, C, D, G, I, and K, commanded as follows.

Co. A, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. Stilley.

Co. C, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. Hallett.

Co. D, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. Thos. Smith.

Co. G, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. C. Wheatin.

Co. I, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. G. W. Randall.

Co. K, 23rd Infantry ..... Capt. Goodale.


The country about the Post is sandy, with great groves of jack-oaks on the north, and cedar in the canyons, that afford the military wood and lumber. Limestone, building-stone, and sand are also to be found, so that the permanent structure of the Post can be made very substantial at a comparatively low cost.

A telegraph line is being made from Cantonment to Camp Supply and Fort Dodge; also to Fort Reno and Fort Sill. This has long been a "military necessity," and will greatly facilitate matters in case of Indian troubles.

Corn retails at the sutler's store for $1.00 per bushel, and it is hard to get at that. Beef sells on the block at 5-1/2 cents per lb., and at 6-1/4 cents per lb. where it is cut up to suit purchases. Here and there we notice flour sacks with the brand of the Winfield mills, and quite often your citizens are inquired after.

A number of laborers are employed in making hay and cutting wood, for which they receive $25 per month and board. Mr. Bigford, of Leavenworth, has the hay contract at $7.00 per ton, and the wood contract at $4.90 per cord. A number of Arrapahoe Indians are engaged in cutting the wood. They were in need of more hands in the hay-field, yet ere this reached you I suppose the demand will be filled, as many parties returning from Leadville and Colorado come by this route to Texas, and are generally in need of money and work.

The suttlers complain of trouble in getting freight from Wichita, for which they pay $1.15 per cwt., for 160 miles of hauling. Most freighters take back a load of bones for which they get $9 per ton at Wichita, giving them a load each way. A ton of buffalo horns is worth $12.

In some sections, where white buffalo hunters operated, these bones are spread over the prairies like snow-flakes. And now that we are on the subject of bones and buffalo, let me give you an idea of the enormous destruction of the red man's cattle.


In the fall, when it is cool enough to keep hides with but little trouble, six or eight men will form a party and locate on the range; generally in the Pan Handle of Texas or south of Red river. They will be armed with Sharp's 16-lb. rifles, calibre 45; that is, the ball will be forty-five one-hundredths of an inch in diameter, and the gun a breech loader, carrying a ball 1700 yards or one mile. They go out regularly every morning and begin the slaughterCfor buffalo in that region are always in sight. One man does the shooting and three skin; killing from twenty to forty buffalo a day to the man. When they have a load, they are hauled to Sherman, Texas, and sold for five or six cents a pound. The large bull hides will weigh forty pounds, and net $2.00 each, while those of the cow will weigh but twenty pounds. On an average these men calculate to make $100 per month above all expenses, and many have made that amount in one week, but they generally average $400 each during the four months of the hunting season.

There would have been a fortune for a man to have taken cans to the camps of these hunters, and saved the thousands of beeves left to rot on the prairie. Or if the tallow or tongues had been taken care of, or the meat even dried, it would have paid well and saved it from waste.

Within the past two years there has been comparatively little hunting, as the great mass of buffalo went into New Mexico in the spring of 1877, and have not returned. Old hunters conjecture that when they made the usual attempt to come north in the summer of 1878, it was so dry, and the grass so dried up on the Staked Plains that they could not.

The best hunting now, in the Indian Territory, is on the main Canadian, southwest of Fort Cantonment. There bear, elk, deer, antelope, and turkey are still plentiful, with an occasional buffalo now and then, and panthers, wolves, beaver, and otter. The Indians object to whites hunting in the Territory, and they have no authority to hunt there, yet they do.

Yours, C. M.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

ED. COURIER: On the 8th of September, the city schools will open. Under the law controlling such cases the Board of Education has determined to exclude all children under the age of 7. Will this relieve us of the difficulties which now face us? Last year the rooms were crowded though the primary grade was put in two divisions. The enrollment of children of school age is now over six hundred. Of this number, not more than one hundred and fifty will fall under the order; and of the others not more than fifty will remain out of school. This will leave at least four hundred children to be accommodated in six rooms and instructed by only six teachers; an average of more than sixty-four to a teacher.


By cutting off those under seven years of age, the bulk of the first primary department is thrown out of school. Can our city afford to compress schools and departments in this manner, and to this extent? If the rule of seclusion were to become a fixed one in school matters, the Board of Education could reorganize the schools on the new basis. This regulation will be enforced only so long as the lack of room is so great that all cannot be accommodated. But when the Board may wish to restore the privilege to children under seven years, a second reorganization of the primary schools will be necessitated.


By using the basement of the Presbyterian church, the city is taxed at the rate of $300 a year, an amount equivalent to the interest on $3,000 in bonds. For $4,000 two good, brick Ward school houses can be erected, furnished, and finished, ready in every particular for use. By moving in this matter at once the Board could put up these buildings in time for use this fall, and so accommodate all children of school age, and thus keep our system on the basis it now occupies. Would it not be well to call a public meeting to consider this question, and to give the Board that aid which comes from a public expression of opinion on this subject?


P. S.: The question of the unfitness of the basement for school purposesCa grave oneCshould also be looked at.




AUGUST 28, 1879.

Large numbers of our citizens walked up to the railroad last Sunday. About twenty hands are employed on the railroad bridge, and are pushing it along right lively. A large number of railroaders were in town Tuesday and the number of plain drunks were quite numerous. There are some men in town who think that they can afford to wet their whistles fifteen or twenty times a day, consequently the flourishing condition of our wet-goods houses. The track is laid to Schwantes' creek, about 24 miles from town, and the cut is being made through the bluff west of town. Thirty days more will anchor the iron horse at "Winfield station."

Why don't someone take hold and work up an excursion when the road gets in. The iron horse is within about three miles of town, and if we are going to have a grand blow-out, it is about time to start the thing along. Let us "excurst."


Mr. John Holmes has sold his Rock creek farm, of 320 acres, to some Indiana parties for $3,500.

Mr. Frank Barclay is engaged in putting the new force pumps into the city wells. Better hang a squirt-gun on each pump to be used in case of fire.


One of our citizens, a few evenings ago, in passing an open door in his house, observed his shadow thrown on the wall. There being no light in his house at the time, he was surprised at this, and looked around to see whence came the light that cast the shadow. His front door being open, he saw Venus shining in the west and with splendor sufficient to throw a distinct and complete shadow on the wall.

Deputy Finch has been out again: this time after "moonshiners." Last week he arrested Mr. Sol. Frazier, of Grouse Creek, for dealing in liquor without being able to show the requisite "parchment" from the government, and brought him before Judge Boyer, where he plead guilty and invoked the clemency of the court, and was fined $10 and costs, amounting to over $40, which was paid. Our worthy Deputy is death on crooked whiskey.

A. A. Newman and C. R. Mitchell have purchased the Mineral Springs at Salt City, of Hackney and McDonald. They gave the neat little sum of $4,000 for the quarter section. These gentlemen intend erecting a large hotel and bath-house thereon, and as they are live businessmen, we doubt not will make it a success. The healing properties of these springs cannot be excelled if equalled in the Union.CDemocrat.

Fred Hunt is pushing the quill for Gilbert & Jarvis.

Hanchet and Searle are out with a new milk wagon with an illuminated sign on each end. Milk is up.

Jim Hill has sold his block in the southwest part of town to Mr. Moorehouse, from Indiana, for $1,200.

Mr. A. P. Johnson was admitted to the bar Monday. Mr. Johnson will make a valuable addition to the Winfield bar.

Mr. Felix Aubuchon has rented the Jillson building, and intends to open a grocery store. He is from Iron Mountain, Mo.

Capital: Capt. W. E. Gillelen and wife, of Winfield, who are the guests of Gov. St. John, went to Bismarck this morning.

The bridge across the Walnut, at Bliss' mill, has been "closed for repairs." It is in rather a dilapidated condition.

Mr. Garroutte is erecting an immense feed-stable on his lot on Ninth avenue. It covers considerable ground and will be a fine stable.

J. P. Baden has returned from his eastern trip with piles and piles of new goods, which fill his large store room to overflowing. He is making some changes in his store room to make room for his immense stock. He proposes to have his share of the trade if good goods, low prices, and liberal advertising will get it.

Mr. Oatman, who has been here visiting Judge McDonald's family, was killed at Wellington, on the 15th, by having a horse fall on him.

Gazette: The extension of the L. L. & G. has been completed to Elk Falls, and they expect to reach Winfield in about seventy-five days.

The Commonwealth says that Will. Garvey has been appointed Agent of the Santa Fe road for Winfield. He is a popular young man of Topeka.


Messrs. Freeman and Booth, old acquaintances of Gen. Green, from Indiana, are stopping in town, and looking at the country with a view of locating.

The Williams House occupied Jillson's building as a sample room Monday and Tuesday, owing to the rush of commercial travelers. This house is becoming very popular with the traveling public.

Mr. Albert Roberts and Miss Annie Clark were married on the 14th, the Rev. J. Albert Hyden tying the silken cord that will hereafter bind them. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will remove to


Conklin credits Wirt Walton with the brains of the Superintendent's office. As Conklin boasts of his own brains, this is rather a back handed compliment on Wirt. We hope Wirt furnishes something better.

In another column will be found the card of Simmons & Ott, meat market. They run a first class market. Don't fail to call

on them when you want a choice steak.


Keep always on hand the very best steaks and all fresh

meats. The neatest shop in the city.


ANOTHER AD: MEAT MARKET. GEORGE MILLER. Has always on hand the choices steaks, roasts, and other fresh meats. Particular attention paid to business.

Shop on Ninth avenue, one door east of Smith Bro.'s shoe



Mr. Chas. Youngheim is visiting New York and Cincinnati and will buy a splendid line of clothing during his absence. The boys intend to close out their boots, shoes, and dry goods and turn their attention exlusively to clothing.

Mr. William Jeffreys, who lives in Beaver township, came to this county in 1870 with only ten dollars. He has now a good farm, 100 acres broken and improved, has a large forest of trees, a large fruit orchard, and many other valuable improvements, does not owe a cent and has considerable money loaned out; and yet some say a man must have money to start with if he would succeed here.

Mr. R. M. Snyder, who purchased the Horning grocery store, arrived Monday and began taking an inventory of the stock preparatory to taking possession.




AUGUST 21, 1879.


One of our Most Prominent Citizens

Killed in a Threshing Machine.

Last Thursday afternoon, between four and five o'clock, news was brought to town that Mr. Chas. Smith, one of the most prominent citizens of Vernon township, had been caught by the tumbling-rod of a threshing machine, and was lying at the point of death. Dr. Emerson was called, and did all in his power to relieve the sufferer, but to no effect, and he lingered on until Saturday evening, when he breathed his last. The circumstances of the accident, as near as we can learn, were as follows.

Mr. Smith had been feeding the machine, but wishing to "oil up," had called someone to take his place, while he got down under the machine, near where the tumbling-rod joins the cylinder, to oil the bearings. It seems he had finished oiling, and was bout to raise up, when a pin in one of the knuckles of the rod caught in a short blouse he was wearing; and in an instant, he was wound around the rod, his head striking the machine and a wagon as he was wound up. No one seemed to see him when he was caught, and it was sometime before the machine could be stopped. When taken out, his clothes were nearly all torn off, one arm and leg frightfully mangled, and his head bruised and cut. A man was immediately dispatched to town for the doctor; the distanceCover six milesCbeing accomplished in less than twenty-five minutes. When the doctor arrived, some hopes were entertained of his recovery, but Friday evening he commenced gradually sinking, and on Saturday evening his spirit took its flight to that bourne from whence no traveler returns.

The funeral, Sunday, was largely attended by parties from Winfield and surrounding country. Mr. Smith was one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and although having met with severe reverses, had, by his energy and industry, accumulated considerable property.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

The school board met on Monday evening, and adopted the following series of school books for the next five years.

Monteith's Geographics.

White's Practical, Robinson's Mental Arithmetic.

Wilson's Algebras.

Harvey's Grammars and Spellers.

Barnes' Brief History of the United States.

Loomis' Physiology.

Steele's Philosophy.

Spencerian System of Writing.

Youman's First Book, and Wood's Class Book in Botany.

Morse's Zoology.

Andrew's Manual of the Constitution.

Cornell's Physical Geography.

Wentworth's Geometry.

Swinton's Language Lessons and Word Analysis.

Hepburn's Rhetoric.

McGuffy's Revised Readers.




AUGUST 21, 1879.


TOPEKA, KS., Aug. 25, 1879.


Secretary, Fair Association

Winfield, Kansas.

My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd inst., inviting me to deliver an address at the Fair Grounds one day during the annual exhibition of the Walnut Valley Fair Association, commencing Oct. 1st, and holding to the 4th, inclusive, and asking me, also, to solicit the President to accompany me.

Thanking you for the invitation, I accept the same, and will come there on one of the days indicated, if you will only notify me, within the next ten days, of the day you desire me to be there. I will also try to prevail upon President Hayes to accompany me.

Thanking you again for your kind invitation,

I am, very truly,



[Mr. Lemmon has secured the promise of Manager Strong of a car for the excursion to this city from Topeka at that time, and if the President and suite shall consent to come, it will be a grand occasion. Result next week.CEd.]




AUGUST 21, 1879.

The District Court convened Monday afternoon, of last week, and the following cases were disposed of upon call of the Docket.

State of Kansas vs. Isaac White.

Plead guilty of grand larceny.


James Kelly vs. Frank Manny.

Defendant made application for change of venue.


State of Kansas vs. Hoffman.

Plead guilty of grand larceny.


Rachel Lawson vs. Thos. Lawson.



T. H. Barrett vs. Wm. Parr, adm'r.




Frank Porter vs. Eli W. Coulson.

C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day.

Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark, et. al.

C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn.

S. B. Atkinson vs. W. J. Keffer. [And leave to answer.]

C. C. Harris vs. Barney Shriver.

Henry S. Ireton vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad.

James Jordan vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad.

Charles Coleman vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad.

R. B. Waite vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad. [2 cases]

John Smiley vs. Harry Bahntge. [And leave to answer.]

State of Kansas vs. Dan'l. Venstor.



Wm. Brock vs. T. J. Harris, et. al. Settled.

R. L. Walker, et. al. vs. J. C. McMullin.

F. W. Schwantes vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad. [2 cases.]

Victor M. Geer, et. al. vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad.

State of Kansas vs. Chas. D. Daniels.

S. Weil vs. August Kadau.


The case of the State of Kansas vs. Thos. Gibson, charged with the crime of incest, was taken up on Tuesday morning. As we go to press, the jury is still out.

In the case of Harkins vs. Edmonds, Judgment vacated.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

A commandery of Knight Templars was instituted in this city, last evening, starting out with the following charter members, comprising some of the best citizens of this city, Oxford, and Arkansas City: John D. Pryor, W. G. Graham, Robt. Allison, Joseph Conklin, Chas. C. Black, S. P. Channel, K. F. Smith, Jas. L. Huey, Jas. Ridenour, A. S. Chappel, Benj. F. Smith, Ansel Gridley, Jas. M. Stafford, R. D. Jillson, A. A. Newman, J. Cairns.


The Commandery will work under dispensation, with the following officers.

E. Commander, W. G. Graham; Generalissimo, Jas. Huey; Captain General, R. D. Jillson; Prelate, Rev. J. Cairns.




AUGUST 21, 1879.

Arkansas Valley Democrat: Twenty-three teams, driven by full blooded Nez Perces, loaded with pine lumber and provisions, passed through town on their way to their agency. This tribe of Indians is fast becoming civilized, and in a few more years they will be numbered among the self-supporting tribes. New houses are being put up, fine farms broken out, and everything about their agency shows a marked tendency towards civilization.



SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.

We wish to call the attention of our citizens to the subject of registration. This is a city of the second class, and as we understand the law passed last winter, no one can vote in this city, at any election, who has not registered. We suppose the city clerk will have the books ready and electors should call on him. We cut the following from the Atchison Champion.

1st. It is made the duty of every citizen to apply to the city clerk for registration, at least ten days before the day of election. The law requires the book to be closed during the ten days immediately preceding the day of election.

2nd. The law relates exclusively to cities of the first and second class, but governs all elections, including of course, county and state elections, in such cities.

3rd. A citizen is not entitled to vote who has not registered ten days before the day of election. Section nine of the act reads as follows:

Sec. 9.C"No person shall be entitled to vote at any election in such city who has not registered according to the provisions of the act. The registration shall not be conclusive evidence of the right of any registered person to vote, but said person may be challenged and required to establish his right, at the polls, in the manner now required by law."

4th. There is no provision in the act requiring a fee from an applicant for registration and a certificate, and no charges are made, by the clerk of the city, for registration or


5th. Under our Statutes it requires a residence in the state of six months, and in the ward thirty days, to entitle a citizen, or person who has declared his intention to become a citizen, to vote. The new registration law applies to such persons.

The law says no person shall be registered unless he appear in person before the city clerk.




SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.

J. B. Lynn comes out this week with a brand new delivery wagon.

E. C. Seward has removed to his new building just north of the old stand.

The Southwestern Stage Company brought a splendid bus to town last week, which will run between here and the railroad.

The depot for the A., T. & S. F. road is being pushed forward as fast as men and money can do it. It must be completed in thirty days.

Messrs. George & Hill are making arrangements to add a tinshop to their hardware establishment, and put up an addition for that purpose.

Gen. Green's land business is booming. Last Saturday he sold 240 acres of Cowley county land, and Monday 640 acres were exchanged for cash.

We have about 100 pounds of old type which we will sell for babbitt metal at 20 cents per pound. This makes the best babbitt metal in the market.

Mr. Seymore Tarrant appeared on our streets last week, surmounted by a plug hat and rigged out in "store clothes" of the latest pattern. He has just returned from Leadville.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.

Messrs. Hahn & Co., who will occupy the north room in Manning block, called on us Monday. They are putting in an immense stock, and are businessmen of large experience.

AD: New Store. New Goods. Low Prices./GRAND OPENING -OF THE-


WINFIELD, KANSAS, Have opened a NEW and COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.

M. HAHN & CO.,

Proprietors of the "Bee Hive,"

Manning's Block, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.

M. L. Robinson returned Tuesday evening from his westward wanderings. He left Mr. Fuller at Leadville. Ivan Robinson stopped in Trinidad, Colorado, has engaged in a hardware store, and will probably remain. M. L., after doing Colorado, turned his attention to New Mexico, visiting Santa Fe and other points in that Territory. He seems greatly benefitted by the trip.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.

Judge McDonald's "teaser" will scarcely be able to get into Congress through editorial work of the character he has been doing on the semi-occasionally for the past few weeks. Something else will be required to rescue him from the political oblivion to which the people have consigned him on account of his foolish and disgraceful course when last in the State Legislature. His political activity abroad will hereafter be limited to lying around the State Capital, at his own expense, full of beer during the sessions of the Legislature, for the purpose of "controlling Manning's vote."

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.

The following marriage licenses were granted during the past week.

Adam Newman and Louisa Trost.

McGinnis Jefferies and Lidia Hemsley.

Louis C. Rice and Ada M. Lowe.

Chas. J. Sherwood and Ella M. Rate.

William J. Couch and Sarah M. Uhles.


The obsequious cur who does the barking for the political frauds of this place never mentions the name of the man whose collar he wears except in the most respectful terms. With him it is always HON. W. P. HACKNEY, but when that honorable (?) gentleman does the writing, he sometimes forgets himself in his excitement and then his name is liable to appear in print BILL HACKNEY.


The railroad from the east is progressing rapidly. The heavy cut, in rock, at the summit of the Flint Hills, is well under way, and work is in progress this side of Grouse creek. We are informed that the track is laid nearly to Elk Falls. They will reach Winfield close upon the heels of the Santa Fe, if they continue building at the present rapid rate.


Dr. Davis returned last week, brining his family, bag and baggage, and from all appearances, will make Winfield his future home. We always had an idea that the doctor couldn't stay away from Cowley.


Mr. M. A. Squires has presented us with a copy of the report of the Congressional Committee to investigate the troubles in Kansas in 1855-6. It is a large and very interesting document as giving much of the early history of our young and growing State.


The normal institute closed last week, there having been one hundred and thirty-two teachers in attendance. Prof. Story has won high praises by his efficient and untiring efforts to make the institute a success. The examination of teachers closes today.


Mater & Son are building a new forge and making other improvements in their shop, to enable them to do the immense amount of work which is being brought to them. They are now running six hands.

Dr. Wolfe, on last Thursday, removed a tape worm from John Stewart forty-three feet in length, which is some ten feet longer than the human intestine. John says he prefers no more worms in his.

Miss C. F. C. Meech will open a school for children Monday, September 8th, on 11th Avenue. Patronage solicited.

Nothing definite learned yet concerning the visit of the President.

The Central Hotel is receiving a new coat of paint.




SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.

Last Friday, one Daniel Thompson, a young man who had been working in the railroad quarry, near Dunn's, was killed by the mast of the derrick falling on him. The derrick had been put up with guy ropes fastened to piles of stone, and while hoisting a very large stone, one of the ropes gave way, the mast falling and striking the young man on the head, cutting a terrible gash in his skull. A few minutes before the mast fell, as the large stone swung clear of the ground, he made the remark that he would "like to get on that stone and ride right up to heaven," when one of his comrades said, "Well, get on," and as he made a step forward as if to get on the stone, the derrick fell, crushing him beneath it. Drs. Ricketts and Black were called, but nothing could be done, and after twelve hours of intense suffering, he died. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cairns, at the Methodist church, on Saturday afternoon.




SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.


Mr. Jochem's building on Main Street is a brick 25 x 100, with a basement, and is built from the ground in the most substantial manner. The front of the building is all door, having three entrances, one at the end of each counter, and one in the center. Half of each wall is owned by the parties holding the lots on either side, which insures the erection of two more substantial buildings in the near future. Mr. Jochems will occupy this building, with his hardware stock, next week.

Further down the street on the opposite side, Messrs. Horning & Harter, our enterprising millers, are erecting a brick and stone building, 25 x 60, 2 stories high, with a basement, which will be occupied some time in October; the lower story by R. M. Snyder's grocery store, and the upper as offices for the mill. This lot they purchased some time since from Mr. Hitchcock, for $600.

One block further south, Mr. Popp, from St. Louis, is just finishing a two-story brick building, 25 x 50, to be used as a wool-house, an enterprise which is none too soon, as the statistics of our wool crop for this year, and the growing interest in sheep-raising among our farmers, will testify.

Away toward the river, southwest of town, the A. T. & S. F. Co. have men at work getting out the frame work for the new depot, which will be completed in thirty days.

In the general rush of improvement, north Main Street claims her share of the glory.

Col. Manning has the brick on the ground, and will soon throw dirt for a new brick, 25 x 100, opposite the Winfield House. One would think, that with the Opera House and post-office block as monuments to his enterprise, the Colonel would rest on his laurels, but the spirit of improvement is still strong within him, and we may expect to see brick blocks go up as long as he has the means and the energy to make things go.

Mr. Gillelin has also signified his intention of erecting a large brick, in the near future.

Perhaps the finest building now under process of erection, is the new Bank, on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, the basement of which, when completed, will be occupied by the COURIER. This building will be 25 x 65, of brick and stone, and if finished according to the plans now being worked out, will be an elegant structure. The lower story, or basement, is nine feet ceiling, four feet below the surface, and will be a light, airy, and commodious rroom. The second story, or bank proper, is five feet above the surface of the sidewalk, and is reached by six steps and a corner entrance, flanked on either side by large windows, reaching from floor to ceiling, and giving the structure an imposing appearance. The upper story will be used as offices, and were engaged before the building was hardly commenced.

The new Baptist Church, on Loomis' addition, will be a splendid building, when completed. The plan is modern in all its features, and will have a very large seating capacity. It is to cost $7,000.00.

There are other improvements which deserve mention, and which are thrown in to make up the grand "boom" that Winfield is enjoying; among which is the immense feed-stable, 40 z 100, which Mr. Garrouti is erecting on Nine Avenue, but a lack of space forbids our enumerating them further, and we wind up, convinced in our mind that Winfield has a bright future before her.



SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.

Theaker vs. Theaker, continued.

Moline Plow Co. vs. L. F. McMasters, judgment for plaintiff.

Myton vs. Brotherton, judgment for plaintiff.

Earle vs. Edwards, dismissed.

Sherwood vs. Voit, et. al, judgment for plaintiff.

Hook, administrator vs. Bannister. Settled and dismissed at the plaintiff's cost.

Robinson vs. Bryant, judgment for plaintiff.

McKee vs. Showers, judgment for plaintiff.

Parsons vs. Brooks, settled.

Read vs. Brown, judgment for plaintifff.

Lewis vs. Bailey, judgment for the plaintiff.

Lewis vs. Manara, judgment for the plaintiff.

Gore vs. Venator, judgment for plaintiff.

Ratliff vs. Ratliff. judgment for plaintiff.

Dunword vs. Parr, judgment for plaintiff.



SEPTEMBER 4, 1879.

WICHITA, AUG. 20, 1879.

ED. COURIER: I give you below a few items dotted down while waiting for the construction train to take us from the end of the new railroad, near Winfield, to Wichita. Missing the noon train, we were compelled to wait for another, from 1 o'clock until 6:30 p.m. Being hungry, my first impulse was to secure dinner, which we did at the officer's boarding-car. Everything about the table was reasonably clean, well cooked and flavored. I learned that Messrs. Manual & Hassick had exclusive control of what is known as the boarding-train, between Wichita and Arkansas City. Terms, $3.00 per week to the laborer; and somewhat higher to the officers. Transients, like myself, can get a good square meal for 25 cents. I heard some complaint among the hands about the board, but upon inquiry I found that, while some mistakes had been made in the purchase of impaired food, yet, as a whole, the food averaged with the price charged, while every man had his remedy of boarding elsewhere.

On the train I met D. D. Myers, the conductor, a veteran railroad man, having been 17 years on the road; taking the position of conductor the second year, which position he has held with honor ever since. He is about forty, evidently of correct habits, intelligent mind, and of good bodily health. He will probably be assigned to one of the trains running between Winfield and Wichita. The right man in the right place.

J. H. Landon, engineer on engine No. 22, is Mr. Myers' right-hand man, faithful, efficient, and always at his post.

J. M. Craft, the fireman, has the name among his comrades of being a genial, whole-souled fellow.

No men deserve more honorable mention than do the engineers and firemen who constantly risk their lives in the discharge of their duty.

I was introduced to Mr. San'l. Rowe, chief engineer in charge of the construction of the road. His men spoke of him in the highest terms. Though pushing the work with all possible expedition, distributing his forces all along the line with military precision, yet I heard no complaint of over-work. Watching the men for an hour or more, as they laid the track, lifting those ponderous ties and long, heavy iron rails, each man fitted to his special place like a single part of a great machine, yet superior to machinery, because guided by his intelligence. Before we could take in every motion, ties were laid, leveled at joints and centers, rails put down, bolted, and spiked; and the train would move on, following close to the workers as if all were connected by some harmonious, magnetic influence. So systematic is the track-laying conducted that it seems to be actually spun out from the rear cars of the construction train, as a spider unravels his web.

Mr. H. D. Loveland, bookkeeper for the bridge company, and one member of the firm, Mr. Grant, informed me that they would soon leave for New Mexico, where they have the bridges to build on 100 miles of road.

J. L. Service is the conductor on the supply-train running from Wichita to the Junction.

Mr. Lawrence, one of the foremen of the yard at Wichita, informed me that the company had already on hand nearly enough material to complete the two lines from Wichita to Caldwell and to Arkansas City.




SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.


He is a native of Waynesburg, Ohio. While a small boy his parents moved with him to Illinois, where he was brought up and educated. When a mere boy, at the age of fifteen, in 1862, he enlisted in the 68th Illinois volunteer infantry, but was soon transferred to the 70th Illinois cavalry, in which he served with distinction to the close of the war.

It is a compliment on his young patriotism to state that when he entered the service, his stature was only five feet seven inches; and when he came out, he had elongated to the height of six feet one and one-half inches, his present stature, and had grown immensely in the esteem of his comrades in arms.

After the war he emigrated to Kansas as the young State of his permanent home. He was one of the early settlers in this county, where he has made a very large number of the most enthusiastic friends, as the compliment of his nomination by so overwhelming a vote over one of the best men in the county, by delegates fresh from the people and farmers of the county, fully proves.

He has had in this county much experience in the line of services which pertain to the office of sheriff, in which he has exhibited in an eminent degree the qualities which are wanted in such an officer. Cool, courageous, shrewd, energetic, and with all, pleasant and gentlemanly, we predict that will prove one of the best officers that Cowley county ever had. Such as he could not get office from the brigadiers in Congress, for his early experience in fighting for our nationality and against states rights heresies has made him a steadfast, unflinching, and working Republican.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

This gentleman strikes back indignantly through the columns of the sheet across the way. We, too, would be indignant if we were accused of writing such an article as we charged to him. If we were wrong, even if he had explicitly denied having written or in any way instigated it, we should have felt bound to eat crow and apologize. We agree with him that it is mean and cowardly for one controlling a newspaper to make unnecessary and unprovoked attacks on one who does not. We would go further and exempt candidates for office from such. There can be no excuse for such except immediate danger to the public from the person to be exposed. We have often heard it charged, with apparent justice, that the sheet which assails us throws out slurs and innuendoes against those who do not patronize it, and attempts to drive men into its support through fear of blackmail. We have studied to avoid everything having a color that way, holding that each person has a perfect right to bestow his patronage on our rival instead of ourself. Of course, we naturally try to help those who help us, but would treat even an enemy fairly.

Mr. Hackney has fallen into the faults which he charges on us, those of attacking one who has no newspaper, of attributing editorials in a paper to another than its responsible editor, and of using scurrilous epithets. Personally we care most to correct the mistake Mr. Hackney makes when he represents that the COURIER has always been unfriendly to him. Such has not been the case, at least for the last two years, while we have been connected with it.

During that time it has given abundant evidence of our friendly feelings toward him and his law partner, by many complimentary notices (some of which were written by Mr. L. while he was associated with us), by throwing business into their hands, and by spending time and money to visit one of their enterprises, and write it up in a way tending to justly enhance their profits. Search through the files of this paper for these two years, and up to last week you will not find one word relating to him otherwise than complimentary, if we except one line, last spring, when we had an editor advised to call on "Bill" for brains.

If we were mistaken last week in attributing that attack to him, the mistake seems to be general in this community. A considerable number of our citizens in speaking to us of it have attributed it to him, and no one, except himself and partner, has expressed to us any doubt of it. His acknowledged contribution of last Friday, so similar to the former in style and matter, does not support the idea that the two had different authors. Under all the circumstances, and without his own explicit denial, we are not yet ready to don sackcloth and tear our hair in the apprehension that we have done him injustice.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

To the Editor of the Commonwealth:

Topeka, Ks., Sept. 4, 1879.

The publication of this card is made necessary by oft-repeated falsehoods of a coterie of small political tricksters in Southern Kansas.

Long before Mr. Ryan was first announced as a candidate for Congress, I was one of his pledged adherents, and as a delegate to the convention that nominated him three years ago, my best efforts were put forth in his behalf. The support given so early has been continued, because I have found him in every respect, worthy of it. Recognizing the important services he has rendered, not only to his own District, but also the entire State, and the great influence he has secured at Washington, I am very desirous of seeing him continue in his present position. In my opinion, we cannot afford to change him for any man in the District. Count me "first, last, and all the time" for Hon. Thos. Ryan.

Respectfully Yours,



Commonwealth: Mr. Lemmon publishes a frank, manly card this morning. It is in full accord with his manly character. One of Mr. Ryan's opponents, one who has always opposed him, started the story that Mr. Lemmon was a candidate for congress.

He did this early last spring and has kept repeating it. He did this for a purpose. He hates Ryan and he hates Lemmon. He hoped to get them to quarreling that he and his friends might reap some advantage. He has failed. Mr. Lemmon is not to be caught in this manner.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

The Cowley county Republican convention met on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 11 o'clock a.m., at Manning's Hall, in Winfield.

The convention was called to order by Frank S. Jennings, chairman of the central committee. N. J. Larkin was chosen temporary chairman, and A. J. Truesdale, temporary secretary.

In response to a vote to that effect the chairman appointed a committee of seven on permanent organization and order of business, as follows: Judge C. Coldwell, S. M. Fall, A. A. Wiley, W. J. Funk, Z. B. Meyer, G. M. Hawkins, M. S. Roseberry.

The following named gentlemen were appointed a committee on credentials: C. R. Mitchell, John R. Moore, James Shaffer, L. Lippman, J. C. Roberts.

Adjourned to 1 o'clock, p.m.


Met according to adjournment.

Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates entitled to vote in this convention; which report was adopted.

Beaver: M. S. Roseberry, L. P. King, Warren Wood.

Bolton: Frank Lorry, S. J. Rice, D. P. Marshall.

Cedar: J. P. Gregg, James H. Utt, H. C. Fisher.

Creswell: Geo. H. McIntire, C. R. Mitchell, K. F. Smith,

D. B. Hartsock, S. Matlock, C. M. Scott, James Ridenour.

Dexter: James Nicholson, John M. Reynolds, A. J. Truesdale, G. M. Hawkins.

Harvey: R. S. Strother, W. J. Gamel.

Liberty: Henry Collyer, Justus Fisher.

Maple: John R. Moore, I. N. Adams, D. Haynes.

Ninnescah: J. A. Wolgamott, Wm. White, Wm. Wood.

Omnia: J. A. Biesecker, William Jenkins.

Otter: James Shaffer, J. H. Service.

Pleasant Valley: Henry Harbaugh, Chas. Seacat, Z. B. Meyer, W. D. Crawford, Samson Johnson.

Richland: Samuel Groom, M. C. Headrick, N. J. Larkin, D. C. Stephens, H. J. Sanford.

Rock: J. W. Douglass, J. M. Harcourt, W. J. Funk, Hirram Fisk.

Sheridan: H. C. Irwin, W. H. Clay, R. R. Longshore.

Silver Creek: Harvey Smith, Wm. C. May, T. P. Carter.

Silverdale: H. L. C. Gilstrap, J. B. Splawn, L. Lippman.




Spring Creek: A. A. Wiley, J. H. Gilliland, J. R. Tobin.

Tisdale: S. S. Moore, J. S. Baker, S. W. Chase.

Vernon: J. McMahan, O. Wooley, S. R. Marsh, Marshal Allen,

J. B. Evans.

Walnut: J. C. Roberts, John Mentch, S. E. Berger, W. W. Limbocker, Jesse L. King, Joel Mack.

Windsor: S. M. Fall, M. Hemenway, D. B. French, J. N.


Winfield City: D. C. Beach, H. Brotherton, C. Trump, D. L. Kretsinger, Archie Stewart, W. A. Johnson, C. Coldwell, J. E. Saint, D. Long.

The committee on permanent organization and order of business reported.

For Chairman: S. M. Fall, of Windsor.

For Secretary: H. C. Irwin, of Sheridan.

Order of nomination:

Sheriff, Treasurer, County Clerk, Register of Deeds,

Surveyor, Coroner.

The voting to be viva voce.

The delegation from each township to name a member of the county central committee, and the committee thus formed to organize on the adjournment of the convention.

The delegates from the 2nd commissioner district to meet after adjournment and nominate a candidate for commissioner.

The report was amended so as to make the voting by ballot, and was adopted.

J. E. Saint was chosen assistant secretary.

Seth Chase and A. A. Wiley were appointed tellers.

A vote was taken for sheriff, resulting as follows.

A. T. Shenneman, 72 votes; P. M. Waite, 15.

On motion the nomination of A. T. Shenneman was made


Vote for treasurer.

M. G. Troup, 15; James Harden, 59; George Youle, 13.

The nomination of James Harding was made unanimous.


Vote for county clerk.

S. B. Littell, 25; James S. Hunt, 63.

The nomination of Jas. S. Hunt was made unanimous.

Vote for register of deeds.

1st ballot 2nd ballot 3rd ballot

I. H. Bonsall 15 13 14

E. P. Kinne 18 14 14

Jacob Nixon 25 43 48

D. S. Wilkins 18 15 15

Alex. Thompson 8

C. W. Roseberry 3

Thompson withdrew after the first ballot.

The nomination of Jacob Nixon was made unanimous.

N. A. Haight was nominated for surveyor, by acclamation.

Vote for coroner.

W. G. Graham, 49; W. S. Mendenhall, 26; D. P. Carter, 6.

The nomination of Dr. Graham was made unanimous.

The following resolutions were presented by R. S. Strother, and adopted unanimously.


Resolved, 1st. This is a nation. It is known as such abroad, and must be recognized as such at home.

2nd. The people of this counttry owe the Republican party a debt of gratitude for having accomplished resumption.

3rd. We invite to the ranks of the Republican party all who have heretofore gone after strange gods, that our columns may be solid for the final redemption of our land in 1880.

4th. The American flag must and shall be respected everywhere; at home as it is abroad. National authority must afford protection to all citizens, of whatever race or color.

The county central committee was chosen as follows.

Township Member P. O.

Beaver C. W. Roseberry Tannehill

Bolton J. D. Godfrey Arkansas City

Cedar James Utt Cedarvale

Cresswell C. R. Mitchell Arkansas City

Dexter H. C. McDorman Dexter

Harvey B. T. Smith Glen Grouse

Liberty Justus Fisher Winfield

Maple J. R. Moore Red Bud

Ninnescah Daniel Pierce Bushnell

Omnia A. S. Crow Baltimore

Otter C. R. Mills Cedarvale

Pleasant Valley C. C. Pierce Winfield

Richland D. C. Stephens Floral

Rock T. S. Green Rock

Sheridan H. C. Irwin Tisdale

Silver Creek A. P. Brooks Moscow

Silverdale B. C. French Silverdale

Spring Creek A. A. Wiley Maple City

Tisdale S. S. Moore Tisdale

Vernon J. B. Evans Winfield

Walnut S. E. Burger Winfield

Windsor Wright Martin Lazette

Winfield City W. O. Johnson Winfield

The convention adjourned with three cheers for the whole ticket.


The delegates from the Second Commissioner District met and organized with H. L. C. Gilstrap in the chair.

W. M. Sleath, the present commissioner from that district, was put in nomination, but declined to be a candidate.


A vote was then taken, resulting as follows.

Henry Harbaugh, 18; F. H. McLaughlin, 9; W. E. Chenoweth, 2.

Mr. Harbaugh was declared the nominee.


The county central committee met and organized, electing W. O. Johnson, chairman; S. S. Moore, chairman pro tem, and J. B. Evans, secretary.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

Mr. Jochems will remove to his new store room next week.

Mr. Dever is removing the Star Bakery to the corner next to Horning's old stand.

The herd of Texas ponies at Garroutte's feed stable is being thinned out quite rapidly.

Mayor Lynn is still in Chicago trying to buy out Field, Leiter & Co. for the Cowley County Store.

A new "bus," the second, appeared on our streets Monday. "And still we have no railroad."

School district 121, comprising eight sections and a half, has not a single acre of taxable property within its boundaries, none of the land being entered.

J. C. Fuller returned from his Colorado trip Monday, much improved in health, and his face as brown as a walnut. Verily, the Colorado air works wonders.

Mr. Kerr has obtained judgment against the city of Winfield for $100, damages for the injury of his little son by the falling of the Louie Lord bill boards last fall.

A regular "Heathen Chinee," pig-tail and all, was on our streets Saturday, looking up the laundry business in Winfield and claims that he can "washee heapee cheapee and goodee."

Deputy Finch started to Leavenworth Monday with the prisoners convicted at the late term of court. Ike White goes for three years, Hoffman for one year, and Punkard for three years.

A large number of Odd Fellows went from this place, last Friday, to institute a lodge at Arkansas City. The ceremonies were conducted by M. G. Troup and the lodge was started off in good shape with a membership of fifteen. The Fellows speak highly of the hospitable manner in which they were treated at the City.

Mann's clothing store narrowly escaped being burned last Thursday evening. The clerk, after blowing out the lights for the night, had occasion to relight one of them and threw the match on the floor. After blowing out the lamp and going out, he happened to look back and saw the fire blazing up above the counter. Help was called and the fire was extinguished without serious damage being done.

Last Monday, a man whose name we did not get, pulled a loaded gun from his wagon by the muzzle and escaped the regular result, getting only a seriously wounded hand by the discharge. We cannot say whether his escape was fortunate or not, for after so many casualties of the kind have been reported in the papers, a man who will be so careless is not safe to be at large, on account of the danger of killing and maiming others.

C. A. Bliss is expending thousands of dollars in putting in a dam that is a dam at the Winfield Mills. The rock he is using are ponderous and of the right shape and kind. He is laying them in the best cement and the work looks substantial and immovable. He is cutting a deeper race in the solid rock below the mill and will make a power with a full ten foot head, which will double the capacity of his mills for work. His improvements will be such as to make the Winfield Mills the pride of our city.

J. C. Fuller returned from Colorado last Saturday evening. He has regained his health, though he caught the Leadville fever during his absence, having invested in several carbonate mines near that city. Neither of the claims in which he has become interested are now proved to contain mineral to any extent, but all are in the vicinity of very rich mines. Boyle, Melville, and others of his acquaintance are associated with him, and it is their intention to fully test their several claims in rotation. Those which prove valueless will not cost very much to any of the partners, being divided between eight or ten, but should even one of them prove as rich as the surrounding mines, it would be a "big strike" for each of the associates. Mr. Fuller gives us a full description of the surroundings, but it would be too prolix for this notice. We conclude from the whole that Leadville is no place for a man who has not a large sum of money which he can afford to lose. The famous Pendry mine is paying largely. One hundred thousand dollars has been offered and refused for a one-eighth interest in it. It is considered worth a million.

The litigation over the title to the old Tarrant property was decided at the last term of court, giving the property to Mr. Hitchcock; but Mr. Tarrant, with the characteristic grit of a "down easter," sill persisted in "holding the fort," in defiance of law, order, and the decrees of the court, until Saturday, when Sheriff Harter brought matters to a crisis by lifting Mr. Tarrant into the street. We understand that Mr. Tarrant will again take his grievances before the court.

The grading for the road was completed to the river, Saturday evening, with the exception of the cut through the bluff on the Land place, and the track layers are expected to lay the track to the river this week. One of the abutments of the bridge is partially completed and the foundation for the other is down to bed rock and will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. The grade is also completed from the river to the depot and ready for the track.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

Mr. F. M. Linscott, who lived near this place in an early day for Cowley, but emigrated to Texas two years ago to go into the cattle business, has returned to this place, this time, as he says, to stay. He is at work building a house in town and will go into business. He says that Texas is no place for a Republican like himself. That an income there off a million a year would be inadequate to compensate for bringing up a family of boys in such an inferno of crime.

Last Monday, that prince of stage men, Bangs, got out his new omnibus and treated a score of businessmen to a ride to the depot and to Bliss' mill. It seemed to us that the march of civilization had really reached Winfield and that we were no longer to be an obscure frontier town. It takes an omnibus to make one feel that he is in communication with the rest of the world.

Mr. Jim Hill started on Tuesday to the Ponca Agency, where he will take charge of the post-tradership for Dr. Hughes. Jim is an old hand at the business, and the similarity between the favorite Ponca dish (dog soup) and the "shadow soup," which so often graced the table of the "St. Nic." while he was proprietor, is so strong that he will feel perfectly at home.

Vale, Jim.

R. S. Thompson, of Baltimore, has left at our office a sample of syrup, which he has manufactured from cane of his own raising, not sorghum, but of an excellent southern variety which has proved with him a success. The syrup is equal to the best New Orleans.

Elk City Cor. Capital: Judge Baird sold out his household goods Saturday last, prior to removing to the house of his son in Winfield. The loss of his wife is a sad bereavement, and the sympathies of his old friends and neighbors will follow him to his new home.

While our young friend, Frank Robinson, was entertaining us with his fun and philosophy in Colorado last July, we hardly expected to lose him so soon. Last Monday evening, at the entertainment, he was traded off for a girl.

Mr. Geo. H. Thompson, Mr. Messenger, and one other young man whose name we have forgotten, of Baltimore, in this county, have gone to Manhattan to attend the State Agricultural College. The two former have been students at that college heretofore.

Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last week, shaking hands all around and looking as contented as if there wasn't an Indian within a hundred miles.

I. LeRoy Millington returned from Toronto, Canada, Tuesday evening.

Mr. D. Read, of Richland, has sold his fine farm for $2,500 to Thos. Walker, of Goldore. It was a well-improved farm, with one of the finest peach orchards in the county. Mr. Read will go into the mercantile business at Floral, where he will put in a full stock of goods in a few days. Success to him.

Judge W. W. Martin, formerly of Ft. Scott and more recently Register of the U. S. Land Office at Independence, has been in this city many days engaged in settling up the right-of-way for the S. K. & W. railroad through this county. He is a pleasant, unobtrusive gentleman who makes warm friends of all who have the fortune to become acquainted with him.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

Mr. Stiles, the agent of the Adams Express company, is in town, and will rent an office as soon as possible. Mr. Stiles has been the agent of the Adams company at Pueblo, Colorado, for several years, and had some acquaintance with Dr. Van Doren and druggist Brown, while there. He had heard so many and such favorable reports of Winfield, while in Pueblo, that he concluded to come here as soon as possible and see for himself.

Mr. Ed. G. Cole, proprietor of the Winfield Drug Store, advertises the Wahoo Bitters in this paper. They are a new bitters, compounded by Dr. D. V. Cole, who has had years of experience with malarial diseases, and, from the manner in which they are spoken of by persons who have used them, Cole's Ague Cure is also a competitor for public favor, and is being largely used throughout the country.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

M. L. Robinson, who recently returned from his second trip to Colorado, says that in visiting New Mexico he took by rail the famous switch-back over the Raton mountains, but when he returned he walked through the great tunnel. The trains were expected to run through the tunnel this week, and the switch-back is to be taken up and laid over another mountain near Albuquerque. Mr. Robinson made some small investments in several unde-veloped mines at Leadville in the vicinity of rich developed mines, taking about a tenth interest in each, on the principle that a thousand invested in testing a mine is only a hundred lost to him, should it prove valueless, while should it prove to be rich, a tenth would be a large fortune. One of the investments is in a new mine named the WINFIELD MINE, in which both he and Mr. Fuller took shares, as well as Boyle and Melville and some others. As this mine has been christened from our city, we shall take great interest in its future fame.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

On the east end of the west bridge, a plank has broken and left a large hole through the floor. At the west end there is a similar hole and a number of loose boards. This should be fixed at once.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

At the residence of the Rev. J. A. Hyden, by the Rev. P. D. Lahr, September 3rd, 1879, Mr. McGinnis Jeffries and Miss M. E. Hensley.



SEPTEMBER 11, 1879.

MR. EDITOR.CA few months since a young man introduced himself to our community as Frank C. Lee, of York State, and by his genteel appearance, good conduct, etc., soon won the confidence of the people in general, and was looked upon as being all right. He claimed to be a machinist and engineer by trade, and obtained employment at the saw mill near the Dawson ford, on the Walnut river. It was not long till he became very intimate with a young lady of the neighborhood, resulting in marriage. A few weeks following and this model young man began to chafe under his present routine of labor and providing for a family, and began looking around for an easier berth and employment more suited to his tastes. Selecting his victims, he proceeded to business by forging paper to the amount of $70, appropriating a smaller sum entrusted to him, and wound up by hiring a horse, taking his wife, and jumping the country between two suns; pawning the horse at Douglas for ten dollars and skipping out for parts unknown, leaving a number of sorrowing creditors behind. Lee is a small man of good address, light complexion, light hair, and light mustache, a fluent talker, and sharp and shrewd as a steel trap. He hired a conveyance to Eldorado and beat the man out of part of his fare. It is now known that this is the third woman that he has married. It is supposed he went west to Colorado or California. He is a dangerous man and deserves to be passed around by the press. REFLEX.

Maple Tp., Sept. 2, 1879.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Our candidate for County Clerk is a native of the Empire state, a good state to be born in, is a Michigander by education and early training, was brought up on a farm, is a good mechanic and laboring man, has had large business experience, is well educated, and peculiarly fitted to fill the office to which he has been nominated. He served in the Union army during the war and is not ashamed of it. He always votes the way he shot. He is one of the early settlers of this county, coming here in 1870, and has been identified with its interests ever since.



SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Henry Harbaugh, the Republican nominee for Commissioner for the Second District, is one of the most active, intelligent, and enterprising farmers in the county. He has the model farm of the county, it being 160 acres of second bottom land on a gradual slope north of Posey Creek, naturally fertile, and improved in the highest style of art. He has about four miles of the best kind of hedge fence on this farm, which extends entirely around it, divides it up into several fields and lots, and being kept trimmed neatly, gives the place an appearance of surpassing beauty.









SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Jim Hill, of Winfield, has, we are informed, accepted the position as bookkeeper for Dr. Hughes at the Sac and Fox Agency.


We guess that Jim is more than bookkeeper for that institution. We are informed that this post trader business at that place is flourishing and making money.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

The County Convention of Democrats met on Saturday, the 13th, at 11 o'clock a.m., at Manning's Opera House, in this city.

It was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn, Chairman of the Central Committee. Dr. D. V. Cole was elected temporary chairman, and J. C. Keenan, secretary. Judge T. McIntire, H. S. Silver, I. D. Hon, E. P. Young, and Wm. Moore were appointed a committee on permanent organization. R. D. Jillson, Robert Hanlon, and L. Weimer were appointed a committee on credentials.

Adjourned to 1 p.m.

Met as per adjournment, and the committee on organization reported for permanent officers, Dr. D. V. Cole, chairman, and

J. C. Keenan, secrretary. Order of business, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Clerk, Treasurer, Surveyor, Coroner.

Report accepted.

Committee on credentials reported and report adopted. We did not get a list of the names of delegates.

Committee on platform reported.


1. Renew our fealty to principles.

2. Oppose wiping out State lines. We are a Union of States.

3. We are in the midst of financial distress and yet the republicans wave the bloody shirt.

4. To save the rights of the states is to save the nation.

5. Substitute greenbacks for National bank notes.

6. Pay the national debt according to contract. Issue no more interest bearing bonds.

7. Condemn the resumption act.

8. Invite co-operation.

9. Pledge support to the ticket.

[COURIER: The first, third, seventh, eighth, and ninth are regular, but are worn out. The second, fourth, fifth, and sixth are half and half. THE COURIER WENT ON AND ON CRITICIZING.]

C. L. Harter was nominated for Sheriff by acclimation.

James Benedict was nominated by acclimation for Register of Deeds.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.

Mc D. Stapleton was nominated for Treasurer by acclimation.

G. S. Story was nominated for Clerk by ballot, 84 votes to 12 for J. S. Allen.

Eugene A. Milliard was nominated for Surveyor.

Dr. D. V. Cole was nominated for Coroner.

A Central Committee was chosen, consisting of one member from each township. This committee subsequently organized by the appointment of the following executive committee: R. D. Jillson, chairman; J. C. Keenan, secretary; A. J. Pyburn, E. P. Young, and T. McIntire.

S. B. Adams was nominated as Commissioner for the Second District.




Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.

SNOW HILL, SALT CITY, KS., Sept. 12th, 1879.

ED. COURIER: After a dusty drive of three hours, we arrived at this Saratoga of the "Great American Desert," without meeting any hair-breadth escapes, or observing anything wonderful on the way. Having pitched our tent and pegged it down strong, we proceeded to unpack our provision-chest, to find "refreshments for the inner (wo-)man." A sheet-iron stove, which we found in the garden at home, answered our purpose well, and we were soon provided with a splendid cup of coffee; in fact, a good dinner altogether.

Finally our teamster left us for Winfield, and we (two women) turned to and settledCput down our carpet, made our bed, fixed up a shelf for dishes, and lots of little nothings which only a woman knows how to do, for comfort and convenience. Then we began to wonder how we should ever kill the time, as there were so few places of interest, or objects for society.

Altogether there were five families on this snowy-eminence, made white by the salt at the north of us, and at first sight looked like frozen water; so I christened it "Snow Hill." Nothing disturbed our quiet, care-free slumbers, not even the snakes, which the people at home declared would be our nightly visitants.

Next day we spent the morning in watching for our Oxford friends, and just at noon they "hove" in sight, bag and baggage. Now Riche had a companion, and he saw his way through two weeks.

This day we explored the immense salt-works, and found that some shiftless parties had control of it, for more than half of the vats were empty and dried up for want of proper careCthe hose rotten and the windmill falling to pieces.

Mrs. Foster, an old resident of Salt City, spent the day with me, and in her true kindness, offered us anything we needed to add to our comfort; afterwards sending us vegetables, jellies, milk, etc., which were acceptable.

The boys borrowed a gun and brought down a fine duck for our dinner Wednesday, and since then we have had all the game we wanted. Varieties of birds, both webbed and non-webbed, are shot here, but the strangest one was a pelican, measuring five feet or more from the tips of its wings, and could swallow a fish weighing four or five pounds. What with wandering about, three meals a day, and all the gossip of three citiesCSalt City, Oxford, and WinfieldCbesides letter writing and knitting, we manage to get through the days in a hurry.

Yesterday Mitchell and Newman came up with shovels, forks, rods, and pipes, to play in the springs, and upon drawing an auger attached to a rod 20 feet long from a spring which had the old pipe, stones were thrown out as large as a goose-egg, which had every appearance of having been melted by extreme heat. What these gentlemen will accomplish they themselves do not know, but it will take a small fortune to employ competent men to put things in order, to make a paying investment. Then look out for a nickel a glass for this medicinal water. Better all come this year, while you can pitch your tent anywhere, wear calico dresses, dispense with cosmetics, shoot birds, and romp to your heart's content.

We are waiting and watching for Sunday and that Winfield party: Read's, Robinson's, and Spotswood's, besides Mrs. Best and Mrs. Roberts, with their tent and goodies, which we may be able to borrow, as they are freshly cooked.

Yesterday afternoon a black cloud in the west admonished us to gather up our wetables, as we should probably have an opportunity to see whether our tent, which had never been wet, would turn water; and I assure you, I not only shall turn agent for the manufacturer, but shall always speak a good word for the lender.

That, like the rest of the world, you and your readers may be envious, I will say that we are to have green peas, fresh from the field, for dinner today.


H. P. M.


SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

L. J. Webb moved into his new brick home, east of town, Monday.

The work on the railroad bridge went on at full blast all day Sunday.

A new restaurant, called the "Oyster Bay," has been opened on South Main street.

Mr. Bliss is using between two and three hundred barrels of cement at his dam.

J. L. Horning is now a disconsolate widower, his wife being absent on a visit to relatives in Michigan.

Charley McIntire, of the Democrat, came up to attend the convention, Saturday.

O. M. Seward is visiting his father, at Keene, Ohio. During his absence, Mr. Webb is acting city attorney.

J. B. Lynn received 3,500 pounds of flour from Wichita Monday morning, and by noon had sold every sack.

The number of railroad hands around town has made matters in the police court lively for the past month.

J. C. Fuller and E. C. Manning have gone to Lawrence to attend the Quarter Centennial celebration of the settlement of Kansas.

W. P. Hackney has been appointed Brigade-Quartermaster of militia, vice J. L. M. Hill, resigned. Mr. Hackney's commission arrived Monday evening.

Mr. Aubuchon, whom we spoke of some time ago, has opened his grocery store in the Jillson building, and engaged Mr. B. E. Johnson as head clerk.

George Miller, the Prince of Meatmen, never tires of catering to the appetites of his customers. His last purchase was a cinnamon bear, killed on the Cimarron river in the Territory.

In consequence of the low water and Bliss' mill being stopped for repairs, flour is becoming very scarce. The principal supply comes from the Arkansas City mill.

Marshal Stevens was out Tuesday with his jail-birds, cleaning up the alleys. They number seven stalwart fellows, who are paying the penalty of a few hours of carousing.

Mr. Ezra Meech passed through the town on Monday, on the road to the Wichita fair, with two heifers and a bull from his herd. They were of the famous "Jersey" breed.

Mr. Dever has removed his Star Bakery to the corner south of the Williams House. The bakery has lost none of its popularity by the change, and still continues to be the leading bakery and confectionery in the town.

Mr. Jochem's new store building is fitted throughout with gas fixtures, and is heated by hot-air furnaces. This will be the most convenient business house in the city. He commenced moving in Wednesday.

The gang of track-layers and the construction train came back Saturday, and have gone to work on this end of the

C. S. & F. S. line. The track will be completed down to Bliss' brick-yard this week.

The committee appointed to count the funds in the treasury and examine the books finished their labors Friday, and found everything all straight and four mills over. So long as the people's funds are in the hands of honest Tom Bryan, they are perfectly safe.

Ivan Robinson returned from Trinidad, Colorado, last week, having relinquished his position there for one in the hardware store of Mr. Jochem, at this place. Ivan is a first-class clerk, and Mr. Jochem is fortunate in securing his services.

Mr. Al. Requa has made another addition to this transfer line. This time it is a wagon with a platform as large as a barn floor, intended for hauling bulky furniture, safes, and heavy goods generally. Al. is bound to be up with the times.

A. D. Speed has purchased Mr. Mullen's property on North Main street, comprising five lots and the old livery barn. The price paid: $1,800.


Dr. Davis' card appears in this issue. The doctor has concluded to resume his practice here, and has established an office in the Bahntge building.

CARD: W. R. DAVIS, M.C., Offers his professional services to the people of Winfield and surrounding country. Office in Bahntge building, upstairs, corner Main and 10th Avenue. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women and children.

Residence on Manning Street, Southwest part of city.


Messrs. Jourdan & Krell, proprietors of the feed and auction stables, north Main Street, advertise in this paper. This is a branch of business comparatively new to Winfield, and one which is certainly needed. They receive stock on consignment, and run a regular auction business. Give them a call.

AD: JOURDAN & KRELL, Licensed Auctioneers. Lessees of the Corral, Feed & Sale Stable. NORTH MAIN STREET. Commission reasonable. Titles to all property sold by us fully guaranteed. Feed charges accorrding to the times.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.

ANOTHER AD: MONEY TO LOAN -BY- The Southwestern Land and Loan Association, Winfield, Kansas. Money always on hand to loan on good farm security, or desirable city property in amounts of from $250 to $10,000 T. B. TICER, Pres./S. H. Holsinger, Sec.


"Andy," the scene painter, is at work on a new drop-curtain for the Opera HOuse, and is putting in his best touches on the job. Andy is a genius in his line: this curtain will be a model of beauty.


Ye local had the pleasure of a ride behind L. J. Webb's roadsters, last Saturday evening, taking in the depot, railroad bridge, and Bliss mill in the rounds. The south pier of the railroad bridge will be finished by Wednesday, when both gangs will be put on the north pier, and will be worked night and day until it is completed. Mr. Lewis, the contractor, informed us that he intended to have the piers ready for the bridge by the 27th.

The excursion to Wellington, on the 9th, was a "big thing." The excursionists were treated to a ride on platform cars, with railroad ties for seats, and carried to within two miles of Wellington, when they tumbled off and waded through the dust to town, where they failed to get anything to eat, and had to wade back to the construction train. On Saturday we are told the excursion was repeated, this time with passenger coaches, and we presume the Wellingtonians found vehicles to transfer their guests to town, and perhaps found a fatted calf or two to kill for a feast.

A boy called at the post office the other day for machine oil. Charley told him he was just out, but pointed out John E. Allen to him as having "lots of oil." So the boy applied to John for machine oil, but John would not answer, and the boy returned to Charley with the complaint that he would not say anything. Charley told him the man was deaf. The boy then went back to John, got a good position, and at the top of his voice yelled in his ear, "machine oil." A foot race ensued, but as we go to press, we have not learned whether John has overtaken the boy or not. Charley is "awful wicked."

An accident that came near being fatal happened to a little two-year old child belonging to Mr. A. H. Broadwell, of Creswell, last Saturday. Mr. Broadwell and family were coming to town in the wagon, which also contained about thirty bushels of wheat, and when a few miles below town, while crossing a bad place in the road, the little one was thrown out, alighting between the wheels.

The wagon was stopped almost instantly, but when the child was picked up, the hind wheel was within half an inch of his body. Had the team gone a few inches further, the wheel would have crushed it. The child was brought to town as soon as possible, and examined by a physican who pronounced no bones broken.


Winfield, Courier, September 18, 1879.

We were greatly surprised the other day to learn from Mr. Frank Hanchet, one of our leading milk-men, that the three dairies supply four hundred families with milk, calling twice a day and making 800 visits daily. They have heretofore been doing mostly a credit business, and besides the trouble of keeping an account of so many small bills, their customers were continually moving from place to place, leaving the little bills unsettled, until it became too great a tax upon them, and they have adopted the strictly cash basis. It would be well for some of our citizens, in other lines of business, to adopt the same system.

Max Shoeb has got a new piano. Eight years ago, when Max occupied the little log blacksmith shop on the spot where Read's bank now stands and when the coyotes howled their requiems to the echo of his anvil, and the Kansas zephyrs fanned his cheeks through the chinks in the cabin wall, little did we dream of the prosperity that was to attend our "pioneer blacksmith," or that in the short space of eight years the infant town, then newly born, would grow to a strong and vigorous manhood. Max has been with us in our adversity and prospered with us in our prosperity, and now as our city is assuming metropolitan airs, he feels in duty bound to do likewise.

The Winfield Cornet Band is about to become a thing of the past. The boys are "blue," so to speak. They have worked hard and faithfully to make a band that would be a credit to the town as well as to the individual members thereof. The leader, Mr. Crippen, has spent time and money in instructing the players and furnishing new music, and the members have often quit their business to play for Sunday School picnics, fourth of July celebrations, etc., without receiving any recompense whatever. This was all very nice, but it takes money to keep up a band, and when the boys came to raise a little cash to meet their current expenses, it came so slow and was given so stingily, they concluded that the citizens didn't care about having a band, and unanimously resolved to quit, until they received some more substantial evidence that their efforts were appreciated.



SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Walnut Valley Fair

Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79,


Grand Railroad Excursion.

The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad will bring in large excusion trains loaded with visitors to celebrate the opening of their road to Winfield.


will be given on the fair grounds on that day, free to the immense crowd that is expected. Toasts and speeches will be in order. Complete arrangements have been made to insure complete success and general enjoyment. Each day of the five days of the fair will have special attractions in trials of speed and in various other ways. On Thursday, the fourth day of the fair,


will deliver the occasional address. One of the attractions of the occasion will be the


It will be the largest baloon in the world, sixty-five feet in diameter and ninety feet in height. It is secured at a very large expense, and the proprietor will come with it from Chicago and superintend the ascension. The day is not yet definitely fixed, but probably Tuesday or Wednesday. It will certainly come off one day of the fair. The officers and managers have worked faithfully, and have left nothing undone to make this fair the grandest affair that ever come off in the


Let everybody turn out and have a grand old time. Arrangements will be made if possible for a free excusion from the fair grounds to Wichita and return on the same day during the fair, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.



SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Those of our readers who lived in Cowley County from 1871 to 1875 will remember Frank Cox, who was elected one of the county commissioners of this county, and served a term as chairman of the Board. He now lives in Stafford county, in this state, and is a candidate for the office of county clerk of that county.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Two of our well-known citizens indulged in a little pugilistic performance in front of Read's Bank, Tuesday. Nobody hurt. Fined $5.00 and costs.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Among the staunch businessmen of southern Kansas, none are more widely known or more highly respected than the subject of this sketch. Five years ago he came to Winfield and established himself in business in a small wooden building on north Main street. Today he controls perhaps the largest establishment south of Topeka, and numbers among his customers a large majority of the best farmers in this and adjoining counties. Mr. Lynn's success is due largely to his liberality in advertising and in giving his customers the benefit of close buying and low margins.



SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Geo. H. Smith, a boy, nearly thirteen years old, large and stoutly built, dark-red or auburn hair, dark-hazel eyes, full and much freckled in the faceCleft home on or about July 25th. Heard of him in Wellington, also in Wichita and Winfield. Was with Rev. A. K. Hopkins twelve days, and left him. Anyone giving information of his present whereabouts, or holding him in custody until we can reach him, will greatly oblige his sorrowing



Salt City, Ks., Sept. 12, 1879.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

Dr. A. W. Smith has received a handsome present from a friend in the east. It is an appliance for drilling out cavities in teeth.




SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.

At Mr. Walter's Restaurant, on Saturday evening, Sept. 13th, 1879, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Jacob M. Vanscoy and Miss Marian St. John.





SALT CITY, Ks., Sept. 15, 1879.

Mr. Notestine [? HARD TO READ ?] is occupying his new building and it will hereafter be known as the "Salt City Hotel."

The crowd visiting the springs on Sunday, the 14th, was simply immense. You could scarcely get within sight of the fountain. Those who visit here each week can now be counted by hundreds. Such demonstrations should urge the proprietors to prompt action in preparing the necessary accommodations.

The ferry is no longer the ferry, but a real bridge. Mr. Conley has built out into the river, with different material, a substantial driveway so nearly across that the remaining way is spanned by two good boats, and the public can now drive across as easily and quickly as over the King truss bridge.

One of Winfield's men is to be a fixture in our town within a few days, as Mr. Royal is getting his house ready for Mr. Holloway's groceries. RUDY.




SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

James Harden, the republican candidate for treasurer of Cowley county is a native of Indiana, born near Indianapolis in 1837, where he was brought up on a farm and was educated. At the age of 18 he removed to Lucas county, Iowa, and engaged in farming. On the breaking out of the war he enlisted in company E, 34th Iowa volunteers, was in active service, and in several fights, and finally in the battle at Arkansas Post, where he was seriously wounded and disabled, in consequence of which he was honorably discharged on the 11th of April, 1863. He returned home to Iowa in a disabled condition, and was appointed by S. J. Kirkwood, the great Iowa war governor, as enrolling officer. Since the war he has been engaged in both mercantile business and farming.

He came to Kansas in 1867, and to Cowley Co. in 1873. For the last six years he has lived at Dexter, near which town he has a farm. He is a No. 1 businessman, careful and accurate, and has made a reputation for honesty and reliability second to none.




SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

Jacob Nixon, the republican candidate for register of deeds of Cowley county is a native of Ohio. When quite young he removed to Iowa, and there enlisted in the U. S. service before he was 18 years old, on August 6th, 1862, in Company I, 19th Iowa volunteers. With that regiment he went through the campaign of that year in Arkansas, was promoted sergeant for brave conduct, and was seriously wounded at the battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7th, in consequence of which he was disabled and honorably discharged, but as soon as he recovered sufficiently, he entered into the service of his state (Iowa) in disciplining troops for the field with the rank of First Lieutenant, where he served with great efficiency.

He is a farmer and a good one; resides in Vernon township, a hard-working man, finely educated, a beautiful penman, a trenchant writer, honest, and in every way qualified for the office.



SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

Charles Messenger left for Manhattan last Monday evening, to attend the College.

Rev. J. S. Bolcourt has vacated the old store building, and Henry Basswalter has moved in. Mr. Bolcourt goes to Elk county.

Most of the wells on the prairie have gone dry, or nearly so. Some farmers are hauling water in barrels. This is portable but not potable water.

Only two cane-mills are running in this vicinity this fall. The Early Amber cane has proven a success.



SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

Frank Baldwin is out again after a severe illness.

Go to the foundry and see the new steamboat.

The depot is entirely finished and is a very neat and convenient building.

Mr. J. W. Curns has sold his residence on eighth avenue.

Terrill & Ferguson will run a four-horse omnibus during the fair.

Mr. Hitchcock is building an addition to the old Tarrant building and otherwise remodeling it.

A. A. Wiley's "Patent Lime Kiln" has been leased to Crabtree Bros., who will hereafter fill all orders and transact all business.

There will be an extra excursion train from Newton on the 30th, bringing the leading men of that burg to attend our grand jubilee.

The bus now makes daily trips to the train, just across the river, and the trip to Wichita is made without much difficulty.

Something less than a thousand people visited the railroad last Sunday. The sight of the locomotive seemed to fully repay them for their trouble.

G. M. Miller beats old Sellers himself in selling sells. He sells bare meat as well as beef and pork, and sells Conklin and our Local. The latter won't eat hog, but is fond of bear.

Dr. Ricketts has removed his office to South Haven, Sumner county. We are sorry to lose the doctor from among us.

Mr. Will Smith, recently of Wichita, has taken charge of the books at Ekel's lumber yard. Will is a splendid fellow and will be quite an acquisition to Winfield society.

Agent Whitman, of the Nez Perces, was in town last week and purchased a large bill of lumber for the agency from Mr. Williamson, of the Chicago Lumber Company.

A lot of the Nez Perces Indians were in town Friday after a bill of lumber for the agency. They were, by far, the best-looking Indians we have seen, being large, heavy-set, muscular-looking fellows.

We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. McGradey, late of Illinois, who will go into the stock business in our county. Mr. McGradey is a gentleman of means, and will be a valuable acquisition to our community.

The excursion from Wichita and Wellington to the opening of our fair promises to be an immense affair. The railroad people are bound to bring all who wish to come, if it takes three locomotives to haul them.

Mr. Jochems has become settled in his new quarters.

Some gentleman from the north part of the state is building a small steamboat for the Walnut, which he intends to run between here and Arkansas City when the water isn't too low. He proposes lifting the boat over the dams with a windlass. The hull is already built, and is thirty feet long and six feet beam. It will be a "side-wheeler," and will be propelled by a Paine engine of three horsepower. We hope he will succeed with his enterprise, and are quite certain that he will find enough pleasure-seekers to make it a paying investment.

We had the pleasure of a ride with J. H. Landon, who handles engine No. 22 with a skill and grace that declares him a master hand at the business. We rode up as far as the "switch," and took dinner with the train boys, after which we were landed at the front in a very short space of time. Mr. Landon and his fireman, Frank Hathaway, did everything in their power to make our ride as pleasant as possible, and we mentally averred that if all the employees of the A. T. & S. F. were as polite and obliging as Messrs. Landon and Hathaway, they would soon become popular with the traveling public.

Mr. Meech returned from Wichita on Monday with his stock, having taken seven premiuns on the lot. His Jersey bull took first premium for best bull of three years old and upward. The Jersey heifers both took premiums. He also took a Merino ram, three ewes, and a lamb, with which he took four premiums. This isn't so bad for Cowley.




SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.


Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, '79,

With a Grand Railroad Excursion.

Winfield to have the Biggest Time Ever Known in the Annals of Cowley Co.

The City Authorities of Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, and other points, will be present.


Excursion for the Cowley County People Leaves at 12:30 P.M., Goes to Mulvane and Returns at 4 o'clock P.M.


The committee appointed to make arrangements for the reception of the excursionists next Tuesday, met at the council chamber, Monday. The following is the programme decided upon.


Excursion Trains start at 8 a.m. from Wichita and Wellington, arriving at Winfield at 10 a.m.

Excursion Train for Winfield and Cowley County starts at 12:30 p.m., going to Mulvane and back, arriving at Winfield at 4:30 p.m.

Return Trains to Wichita and Wellington leave Winfield at 5 p.m.

Carriages will be furnished at the depot to carry excursionists to any part of the City or Fair Grounds as desired.

A committee upon the down train will sell Fair tickets and distribute carriage tickets to excursionists.


At the Fair ground at 12 m.


By 15th Co., K. S. M., of Wichita, in full uniformCcommanded by Captain L. N. Woodcock, at 11 a.m.


Will form at Depot and march through the principal streets of the city, and thence to Fair ground.


1. Military Band.

2. Military Company.

3. Wichita Fire Department.

4. Saxe Horrn Band.

5. Mayors and Councilmen of Wichita, Wellington,

Arkansas City, and Winfield in carriages.

6. Railroad Officials in carriages.

7. Foreign excursionists in carriages.

8. Citizens of Cowley county in conveyances.


By Hon. J. Wade McDonald, at 10:45 a.m.


Gen. A. H. Green.

By order of the Executive Com.,

M. G. TROUP, Chairman.

E. C. MANNING, Secretary.



SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

Last Friday the members of the new military organization met at the office of Gen. Green and were sworn in under the laws of the state. The company then organized by electing J. H. Finch First Lieutenant. The arms have been sent for and the boys have been drilling diligently. The company is composed of the very best class of young men in the city, and we predict that before long the "Winfield Rifles" will have, if not a "national reputation," at least one of being the crack company of the state. The company only lacks a few members of being full, and at least a dozen have signified their intention of presenting their names for admission at the next meeting.




SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

On the 17th inst., at the residence of Z. C. Dingess, the bride's father, in Oxford, by Rev. F. P. Berry, David L. Sumpt and L. Leota Dingess.




SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

At Wellington, on the 22nd, by Rev. F. P. Berry, Tell W. Walton and Miss Alice M. Hutchinson.

Everybody around Winfield knows Tell. Few of his friends thought, when he was over last week shaking hands all around, that in a few short days he would be bound hand and foot with hymeneal chains.


SEPTEMBER 25, 1879.

TISDALE, KANSAS, Sept. 19, 1879.

ED. COURIER:CYou made a mistake. I am not the democratic nominee for the office of surveyor. I am not a democrat. I don't want to be a democrat. I would like to be a greenbacker, but where is the party? Please count me with the republicans this fall.

Yours respectfully,


We own up. It was our mistake. Ed. Millard, the nominee, is another man.